
Potential of Open Government Data for Crisis Information Management and Aid Efficiency

On 22 December 2011, ICT4Peace’s Daniel Stauffacher adressed over 60 Swiss Parliamentarians, Senior Government Officials and ICT Business Representatives in Bern Switzerland at a dinner organised by the pro Open  ...

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Keynote address at International Network of Crisis Mappers (ICCM) 2011

Along with Delilah H.A. Al Khudhairy from the EU’s JRC, Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation delivered the keynote address at the 2011 International Network of Crisis Mappers,  ...

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Getting down to business: Realistic goals for the promotion of peace in cyber-space

In this latest paper by the ICT4Peace Foundation, the authors have called for a non-binding code of conduct to strengthen cyber-security and mitigate the threat of growing cyber-security threats. The  ...

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ICT4Peace supports An EU FET Flagship Pilot Project

28 November, Geneva, Switzerland – Daniel Stauffacher, Chairman, ICT4Peace Foundation, participated as a member of the Futurict project team in the EU FET Flagship Pilots Midterm Conference, 24-25 November 2011,  ...

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