
ICT4Peace Foundation conducts post-Haiti assessment roundtable discussion

The ICT4Peace Foundation organised and facilitated a closed door roundtable meeting in Geneva, on 13 May 2010, to discuss the Crisis Information Management (CiM) strategy in general and how the  ...

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ICT4Peace Foundation enters into new agreement with Ushahidi to develop Crisis Information Management Demonstrator (CIMD)

On the occasion of the high-level debate on ICTs for Disaster Management and the workshop on Getting it Right in Crisis Management: Going beyond the hype on ICTs at the  ...

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WSIS Forum 2010: Cumbre Mundial De Las Naciones Unidas Sobre La Sociedad De La Informacion

4 de Mayo 2010:  Tengo el agrado de anunciar que, durante la Cumbre Mundialde la Sociedad de la Información (WSIS) FORO 2010, la Fundación ICT4Peace serála anfitriona de un taller  ...

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Haiti and Beyond: Getting it Right in Crisis Information Management

The event The massive earthquake that struck Haiti on 12 January 2010 shattered the foundations of the entire country. By 23 January, a little less than a fortnight after the  ...

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