Risk and opportunities of ICTs and social media in a pandemic world

Digital Distortions: Sophie Achermann on online harms, and gendered violence on social media

The ICT4Peace Foundation is delighted to release the Fourth episode of Digital Distortions, a podcast series looking at the role, reach, and relevance of disinformation, and truth decay in contemporary  ...

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Addressing Externality Costs of Misinformation in the Digital Age

By Anne-Marie Buzatu, Executive Director of ICT4Peace

In this new report and submission to the United Nations, ICT4Peace considers the ad-revenue models of social media platforms that amplify misinformation and generate externality costs and proposes innovative solutions  ...

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Gendering Cybersecurity through Women, Peace and Security: Gender and Human Rights in National-level Approaches to Cybersecurity

A project by the ICT4Peace Foundation and the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) with the support of the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Gendering Cybersecurity through Women, Peace and Security: Gender and Human Rights in National-level Approaches to Cybersecurity A project by the ICT4Peace Foundation and the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP)  ...

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ICT4Peace and Ethics, Technology and Society at ETH Zurich

Launch events by the new Professorship for Ethics, Technology and Society at ETH Zurich

ICT4Peace and the Zurich Hub for Ethics and Technology (ZHET) were delighted to  participate in two inaugural Conferences on  Digital Democracy and Ethics in Technological Societies at ETH  by the newly  ...

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Brown Bag Episode 3: Vidhya Ramalingam, Founder and CEO of Moonshot

ICT4Peace is delighted to release Episode 3 of Brown Bag, the ICT4Peace podcast series on social media, politics, democracy and society from a Global South perspective, hosted and produced by  ...

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ICT4Peace launches Brown Bag Podcast Series by Sanjana Hattotuwa with Ivan Sigal from Global Voices

ICT4Peace is delighted to launch the ICT4Peace Brown Bag Podcast Series on Social Media, Politics and Society from a Global South perspective, hosted by ICT4Peace Foundation’s Special Advisor, Dr Sanjana  ...

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The Digital Space and Peace Processes – A Thought Piece

By Lisa Schürch - A joint publication by Principles for Peace, Fondation Hirondelle and ICT4Peace Foundation

The Digital Space and Peace Processes – A Thought Piece “This brief informs the Principles for Peace (P4P), a global participatory initiative to develop a new set of principles, standards  ...

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Dr. Sanjana Hattotuwa speaking on the “Role of Civil Society in Tackling Hate Speech”

Webinar organised by The UN Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect (OSAPG) on 23 May 2022 1-2 pm EST or 7-8pm CET.

ICT4Peace Special Advisor Dr. Sanjana Hattotuwa will speak on “THE ROLE OF CIVIL SOCIETY IN TACKLING HATE SPEECH” at the forthcoming webinar on 23 May 2022 (1 to 2 pm EST or  ...

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The institutionalisation of fear: Global digital surveillance with dubious pandemic legitimacy

Article in Open Access Government by Regina Surber, PhD Candidate at the University of Zurich and Scientific Advisor to the ICT4Peace Foundation, discusses how digital surveillance is increasing worldwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic (Photo by © jurgen-jester-unsplash)

The institutionalisation of fear: Global digital surveillance with dubious pandemic legitimacy Article by Regina Surber, Scientific Advisor of ICT4Peace in Open Access Government. Governments around the globe are justifying ever  ...

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Ethical and Political Perspectives on Emerging Digital Technologies

ICT4Peace and ZHET Publication by Regina Surber (Author) and Daniel Stauffacher (Editor)

ICT4Peace, in cooperation with the Zurich Hub for Ethics and Technology (ZHET),  is pleased to publish this compilation of policy briefs op-eds and recorded talks (2017 – 2022)  by Regina  ...

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Congratulations to ICT4Peace Special Advisor Sanjana Hattotuwa for being awarded a PhD

PhD Degree obtained by Dr. Sanjana Hattotuwa at the Otago University, New Zealand

ICT4Peace is proud to congratulate its oldest colleague and friend Sanjana Hattotuwa for obtaining his PhD degree from Otago University’s National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (NCPACS). He was supervised  ...

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Is the Corona pandemic a gateway to global surveillance?

By Regina Surber who is a PhD candidate at the Center for Ethics at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, and Senior Advisor to the ICT4Peace Foundation and the Zurich Hub for Ethics and Technology.

ICT4Peace is happy to announce the publication: “Is the Corona pandemic a gateway to global surveillance? by Regina Surber. The link to the publication by ResearchOutreach can be found here. The  ...

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Sanjana Hattotuwa: The Nature of Disinformation and Nurture of Democratic Responses

ICT4Peace Publication on Reflections, Research and Writings on Aotearoa New Zealands's Christchurch Massacre

ICT4Peace is delighted to have published this Compilation of a series of short papers, articles and op-eds by Dr. Sanjana Hattotuwa, ICT4Peace Special Advisor, in the aftermath of the horrendous March  ...

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Addressing the Infodemic

Meaningful policymaking to fight the swelling seed, spread and supremacy of misinformation benefits from data and evidence alive to socio-political realities. A new report from Aotearoa New Zealand’s Classification Office  ...

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Video and text of presentation on Reimagining Extremism: Context, culture, community and country

ICT4Peace Foundation’s Special Advisor Sanjana Hattotuwa was invited by New Zealand’s Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet to speak at He Whenua Taurikura, New Zealand’s first annual hui (meaning a  ...

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From Digital Promise to Frontline Practice: New and Emerging Technologies in Humanitarian Action

OCHA launches report on new and emerging technologies in humanitarian action

ICT4Peace welcomes the latest report by OCHA on new and emerging technologies in humanitarian action. The OCHA Report can be found here. Announcing the report OCHA writes: “The report – From  ...

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Sanjana Hattotuwa curating Conference: ‘New Ec(h)o systems: Democracy in the age of SocialMedia’ – Registration Live

A conference hosted by Otago University's National Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies (NCPACS)

Please signup for the Conference: ‘New Ec(h)o systems: Democracy in the age of SocialMedia‘ here Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor, ICT4Peace has curated this Conference Please find the description of the Conference  ...

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2 Documents

Facebook, Twitter Struggling in Fight against Balkan Content Violations

A report by Ivana Jeremic and Milica Stojanovic, BIRN, Belgrade with Interview with Sanjana Hattotuwa

Facebook, Twitter Struggling in Fight against Balkan Content Violations Report by Ivana Jeremic and Milica Stojanovic  BIRN February 16, 202109:56 Interesting investigation reveals serious holes in content policing by Facebook and  ...

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ICT4Peace participates in the Zurich Human Rights Film Festival

ICT4Peace supports the screening and panel discussion of the Film "iHuman" on 6 December at 8:30 pm in the Kino Kosmos in Zurich

ICT4Peace is honored to have been associated with the  Zurich Human Rights Film Festival since the beginning. This year ICT4Peace will be supporting the screening of the documentary Film “iHuman”.  ...

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Celebrating the United Nations at 75

As a global custodian of technology in the pursuit of peace, the ICT4Peace Foundation congratulates the United Nations on its 75th anniversary. ICT4Peace was launched with the support of the  ...

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Is Social Media Driving Instability?

A blogpost by Sanjana Hattotuwa

Is Social Media Driving Instability? By Sanjana Hattotuwa. Posted on 12 October 2020 on the New Zealand Classification Office official website. What could I do to destabilise New Zealand? Quite  ...

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Facebook Reform Must Be Seen as a Global Matter

This article first appeared on Techonomy. ### Facebook is a company that responds to pressure, and to lawsuits, but we in the Global South, at least as much affected by  ...

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Amb. Martin Dahinden: Beyond Covid – Connectivity and digitization empowers people in developing countries

Op-ed by Amb. Martin Dahinden in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ).

Beyond Covid-19: Connectivity and digitisation empowers people in developing countries Op-ed by Amb. Martin Dahinden in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ). The original text in German can be found here.  ...

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Peace processes after the pandemic: What role for technology?

Framing In 2002, as an integral part of an official ceasefire negotiations processes in Sri Lanka after decades of war, commercial off-the-shelf-software (COTS) was adopted and adapted to support the  ...

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Post-pandemic peace operations

Cross-posted from the TechPops website, curated by Centre for International Peace Operations (ZIF), Berlin, where Sanjana Hattotuwa – Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation – was one of just 100  ...

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Anne-Marie Buzatu discusses potential risks of increased surveillance related to SARS-CoV-2

An interview by Claudia Solanes from the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Switzerland.

In this interview Anne-Marie Buzatu discusses the importance and potential risks of increased personal surveillance (i.e. through tracking apps) related to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. This interview was been conducted by  ...

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Video of presentation by Sanjana Hattotuwa: Towards pandemic panopticons or something radically new?

Post-Coronavirus: Towards pandemic panopticons or something radically new? was a presentation delivered by Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor at the Foundation, on the invitation of Christina Goodness, Chief Information Management Officer  ...

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Contact-tracing apps are important but less effective in a social welfare vacuum: Governments and businesses must help us to help each other

A blog post by Beatriz Botero Alcira

Contact-tracing apps are important but less effective in a social welfare vacuum: Governments and businesses must help us to help each other A blog post by Beatriz Botero Alcira1)    ...

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Post-Coronavirus: Towards pandemic panopticons or something radically new?

On the invitation of Christina Goodness, Chief Information Management Officer at the Departments of Peacebuilding, Political and Peace Operations DPPA-DPO, the ICT4Peace Foundation’s Sanjana Hattotuwa gave a presentation titled ‘Beyond  ...

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A Human Centric Framework to Evaluate the Risks Raised by Contact-Tracing Applications

By Beatriz Botero Arcila, Harvard Law School

ICT4Peace is pleased to publish a paper by  Beatriz Botero Arcila on A Human Centric Framework to Evaluate the Risks Raised by Contact-Tracing Applications Digital technologies, data-gathering and analytics are  ...

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Peacebuilding in the time of a pandemic: What lies ahead?

A conversation with Helena Puig Larauri of Build Up and Sanjana Hattotuwa from ICT4Peace

On 14 April 2020, Sanjana Hattotuwa, an Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation had a conversation with Helena Puig Larauri, Co-founder and Director at Build Up over Skype, on issues anchored  ...

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ICT4Peace Blogpost: When going viral can be lethal: The need for reliable information in the wake of Covid-19

By Anne-Marie Buzatu, Senior Advisor ICT4Peace

When going viral can be lethal: The need for reliable information in the wake of Covid-19 By Anne-Marie Buzatu[1] In these uncertain Covid-19 times, most of us have been scrambling to  ...

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Our solidarity must be grounded on facts – not on fear.

CORONA PAN(DEM)IC: THE GATEWAY TO GLOBAL SURVEILLANCE? Our solidarity must be grounded on facts – not on fear.   As a follow-up to the key note speech by  Regina Surber  ...

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Regina Surber on Corona, Technology and Human Rights

An audio recording of her presentation.

Regina Surber, Senior Advisor at ICT4Peace and the Zurich Hub for Ethics and Technology (ZHET) delivered the keynote speech at the  #SwissCognitive and @AICapitalCO virtual conference entitled “Corona, Technology and Human Rights”. Regina provided  ...

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First Twitter research partnership in New Zealand on countering polarisation, hate and violence

ICT4Peace is very pleased to announce that Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor ICT4Peace Foundation and PhD candidate at Otago University’s National Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies (NCPACS) has co-launched and will lead  ...

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