Strategic Input into UN peacekeeping, peacebuilding and humanitarian operations

Enhanced ICT4Peace Crisis Information Management Platform Demonstrator (CIMD)

Ushahidi and the ICT4Peace Foundation have agreed to jointly develop an enhanced ICT4Peace Crisis Information Management Platform Demonstrator (CIMD), based on Ushahidi’s existing platform and as deployed e.g. in Libya  ...

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Report on global mapping of technology for transparency and accountability

The Transparency Accountability Initiative recently released the final report on a Global mapping of technology for transparency and accountability. As the launch press release avers, As internet and mobile phone  ...

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3rd International Conference of Crisis Mappers: Mainstreaming Crisis Mapping?

The ICT4Peace Foundation, the Swiss Confederation and the European Commission’s Joint Research Center are pleased to announce and invite you to participate at the 3rd International Conference of Crisis Mappers  ...

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Peacebuilding in the Information Age: Sifting Hype from Reality

11.1.11, Switzerland: The ICT4Peace Foundation, in collaboration with the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University and GeorgiaTech, is pleased to release, on the occasion of the anniversary  ...

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ICT4Peace Foundation at 16th Annual Conference of the International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centers

The ICT4Peace Foundation presented at the 16th Annual Conference of the International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centers which took place in Dacca, Bangladesh from 27 November to 3 December. The  ...

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InterAmerican Development Bank Webinar on Mobile Technology

Dag Nielsen, Senior Advisor, ICT4Peace was 4 November invited to be keynote speaker on Mobile Technology at a web seminar organized by the InterAmerican Development Bank. Nowadays almost every single  ...

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