Strategic Input into UN peacekeeping, peacebuilding and humanitarian operations

Training and curricula development for ICT and Peace-keeping

The Foundation develops and carries out training courses in Crisis Information Management (CiM) for multi-dimensional and multi-stakeholders missions in peacekeeping and peacebuilding. The content is anchored to new dimensions in  ...

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Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung ( “Eure Seite rettet Menschenleben”

Instrument kommender Friedensmissionen „In der Geschichte des Einsatzes von Internettechnologie zu humanitären Zwecken war Haiti ein Meilenstein“, sagt Daniel Stauffacher. Er ist Direktor der in Genf ansässigen Stiftung ICT4Peace (Informations-  ...

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Finding space for crowd-sourcing in humanitarian response

“Crowd-sourcing” is a new buzzword in the world of humanitarian information. The combined power of mobile phones, mapping technology and social networking can enable citizens in crisis to seek help, facilitate aid deliveries, bear witness to abuses and hold governments and aid agencies more accountable, advocates say.

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ICT4Peace Interview on crisis information management at IDRC Global Risk Forum

Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor to the ICT4Peace Foundation, was part of a panel looking at ICTs and risk management at the IDRC Global Risk Forum held recently in Davos, Switzerland.

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Interview with Daniel Stauffacher in Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ): “Schwarm-Intelligenz und Rudel-Blödsinn”

Articles that appeared on NZZ in print and online, featuring an interview with the President of the ICT4Peace Foundation, Daniel Stauffacher: «Technologie rettet Leben» and an Article by Eric Gujer,  ...

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Eric Gujer of NZZ on ICT4Peace and New Social Media in Crisis Management: “Schwarm-Intelligenz and Rudel-Blödsinn”

Article by Eric Gujer, Editor in Chief of NZZ on the role of social media in Crisis Management: Schwarm-Intelligenz und Rudel-Blödsinn.

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