Strategic Input into UN peacekeeping, peacebuilding and humanitarian operations

ICT4Peace Foundation enters into new agreement with Ushahidi to develop Crisis Information Management Demonstrator (CIMD)

On the occasion of the high-level debate on ICTs for Disaster Management and the workshop on Getting it Right in Crisis Management: Going beyond the hype on ICTs at the  ...

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ICT and Protection: Can Information and Communication Technology Enhance Humanitarian Action?

Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor to the ICT4Peace Foundation, will be part of a august panel looking at ICTs and humanitarian aid. Titled ICT and Protection: Can Information and Communication Technology  ...

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WSIS Forum 2010: Cumbre Mundial De Las Naciones Unidas Sobre La Sociedad De La Informacion

4 de Mayo 2010:  Tengo el agrado de anunciar que, durante la Cumbre Mundialde la Sociedad de la Información (WSIS) FORO 2010, la Fundación ICT4Peace serála anfitriona de un taller  ...

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Haiti and Beyond: Getting it Right in Crisis Information Management

The event The massive earthquake that struck Haiti on 12 January 2010 shattered the foundations of the entire country. By 23 January, a little less than a fortnight after the  ...

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Critical information on Chile earthquake: ICT4Peace Foundation sets up crisis information wiki page

As noted on the OpenStreetMap wiki, the 2010 Chile earthquake occurred off the coast of the Maule Region of Chile, on February 27, 2010, at 03:34 local time (06:34 UTC),  ...

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ICT4Peace Workshop and High-Level Debate, WSIS FORUM 2010, 12-13 May, Geneva

WSIS FORUM 2010, UN WORLD SUMMIT ON THE INFORMATION SOCIETY, 12-13 May 2010, Geneva The ICT4Peace Foundation will host a workshop during the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)  ...

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