Support to crisis mapping and ICCM

Video of UN CITO’s speech to crisismapping community

CrisisMappers has posted in two parts the speech delivered by Dr. Choi Soon-hong, the UN Secretariat’s Chief Information Technology Office (CITO) at the CrisisMapping conference held in Boston earlier this  ...

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Learning from Haiti & 2010 Crises: A roundtable discussion

ICCM 2010: Learning from Haiti This roundtable will review the lessons learned and best practices from the disaster response to Haiti. As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently noted in  ...

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Finding space for crowd-sourcing in humanitarian response

“Crowd-sourcing” is a new buzzword in the world of humanitarian information. The combined power of mobile phones, mapping technology and social networking can enable citizens in crisis to seek help, facilitate aid deliveries, bear witness to abuses and hold governments and aid agencies more accountable, advocates say.

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