Tech against terrorism

Democracy in the age of social media: Podcast of radio interview by OAR FM Dunedin

Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation, Sanjana Hattotuwa, in conversation with Marvin Hubbard from OAR FM Dunedin, looking at the issues around social media, hate, peace and democracy in Aotearoa/New  ...

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New Ec(h)o systems: Democracy in the age of social media | Path-breaking conference in New Zealand

Conceived of and curated by ICT4Peace Foundation’s Special Advisor Sanjana Hattotuwa, the New Ec(h)o systems: Democracy in the age of social media conference was held at the University of Otago,  ...

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First Twitter research partnership in New Zealand on countering polarisation, hate and violence

ICT4Peace is very pleased to announce that Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor ICT4Peace Foundation and PhD candidate at Otago University’s National Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies (NCPACS) has co-launched and will lead  ...

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Full video & slidedeck of lecture: From Christchurch to Sri Lanka – The curious case of social media

On 20 May 2019, Sanjana Hattotuwa, a Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation since 2006, gave a well-attended public lecture at the University of Zurich on the role, reach and  ...

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UN Digital Cooperation – Questions to SG Guterres, Melinda Gates and Jack Ma

To support the launch of the UN SG Guterres’ Report on Digital Cooperation on 10 June 2019, ICT4peace submitted the following four questions addressed to the UN SG, Melinda Gates  ...

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Tech, Fear and Accountability | Panel discussion at Point 8.0 in Sarajevo

Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation, was invited by the organisers of Point 8.0 in Sarajevo to participate in a panel discussion anchored to Tech, Fear and Accountability,  ...

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