Geneva Peace Week, Geneva Digital Atlas, UN WSIS Processes,Global Digital Compact, Summit for the Future, ICT4Peace Paragraph 36, UN SDGs, International Geneva

Swiss push for peace through technology (ICT4Peace)

The Swiss government, along with a core network of organizations and individuals, has launched an initiative to use technology to prevent conflicts and promote peace, according to an article published  ...

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Workshop hosted by Daniel Stauffacher Ambassador for the World Summit on the Information Society on ICT4Peace

A workshop hosted by the Office of the Delegate of the Swiss Federal Council for the World Summit on the Information Society and co-organised with WSP International . The workshop was intended  ...

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6th International Security Forum in Montreux

ICT4Peace held a side meeting at the 6th International Security Forum in Montreux, Switzerland. The report on the Forum can be found here. The International Security Forum (ISF) was launched as  ...

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Proceedings of the 6th International Security Forum

Proceedings of the 6th International Security Forum Date : 6 October 2004 Organizer : International relations and Security Network. The proceedings of the 6th International Security Forum have been published  ...

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Amb. Daniel Stauffacher on the UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Geneva 2003

We are living today in a transition period that is taking us from the industrial society to the information society, in which information and knowledge are at the heart of  ...

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