Geneva Peace Week, Geneva Digital Atlas, UN WSIS Processes,Global Digital Compact, Summit for the Future, ICT4Peace Paragraph 36, UN SDGs, International Geneva

UN Digital Cooperation – Questions to SG Guterres, Melinda Gates and Jack Ma

To support the launch of the UN SG Guterres’ Report on Digital Cooperation on 10 June 2019, ICT4peace submitted the following four questions addressed to the UN SG, Melinda Gates  ...

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ICT4Peace on Emerging Security Issues at New Haven School of Jurisprudence Conference in Hangzhou, China.

ICT4Peace’s Daniel Stauffacher was invited to present at the 10th International Conference on the New Haven School of Jurisprudence in Hangzhou, China. The conference – founded and led by Tulane Law  ...

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High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation: Reflections and Recommendations from the ICT4Peace Foundation

The ICT4Peace Foundation is pleased to present for the consideration of the High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation some insights, observations and recommendations based on over ten years of a close,  ...

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The cost of digital peace: Reflections for 2019

2018 served to acutely remind us of the essential fragility of that initial idea the pioneers of the Internet had around bringing humanity together by connecting them. From the start  ...

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New ICT4Peace Paper | Digital Human Security: Human beings need to be the core focus of the IT and security agenda going forward

ICT4peace, in cooperation with the Zurich Hub for Ethics and Technology (ZHET), is proud to announce its most recent paper Human security in the age of AI: Securing and empowering  ...

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Human rights: 70 Years On

ICTs and Human Rights Chaired by a woman, Eleanor Roosevelt, the Committee at the United Nations tasked with drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) finished its work in  ...

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