In a letter dated 11 October 2010 to the Chairman of the ICT4Peace Foundation, Pat Banks, Chief Communication and Services Branch, OCHA congratulated the ICT4Peace Foundation for the creation of the ICT4Peace Crisis Information Management Wikis in support of the crises in Haiti, Chile, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan and the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
UN OCHA commended the Wiki’s clean and clear format, that allows visitors to quickly find tools, informative websites, and relevant news articles in a given crisis.
“Having such a wiki in the very early phases of a given crisis, when chaos on the ground usually prevents compiling such a resource, is a useful resource for humanitarian organisations. By using a human element in the collation of information, and not an anonymous search algorithm driven by pure statistics, the Wiki becomes relevant and tailored to user needs. In that sense, ICT4Peace adds value to the stream of information that every emergency produces, simply by being selective about what information is included”.
The ICT4Peace Wikis were created and curated by Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor, ICT4Peace Foundation.
Access the wikis here.