ICT4Peace Special Advisor Sanjana Hattotuwa is also a Research Fellow at Te Pūnaha Matatini, University of Auckland. In this capacity, he works with Kate Hannah who leads The Disinformation Project.

The project’s pioneering work in New Zealand on mapping the infodemic, and complicated ecologies of mis/disinformation online with offline consequences, is succinctly captured in a new report released on 9 November 2021: Working Paper: Mis- and disinformation in Aotearoa New Zealand from 17 August to 5 November 2021.

Download it as a PDF here.

The wealth of Hattotuwa’s research on mis/disinformation over many years, including in and on Aotearoa New Zealand, was captured in a publication released in August 2021: The nature of disinformation & nurture of democratic responses: Writing & output on Aotearoa New Zealand’s Christchurch Massacre.

Download it as a PDF here.