Building Capacities for Cyber Security Negotiations
The ICT4Peace Foundation is honoured to co-organize the Cyber Security Policy and Diplomacy Workshop with the Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP) on 14 and 15 March.
This course examines international cyber security policy issues. Specifically, it analyses responsible state behaviour in cyber space and related concepts of international norms, confidence building measures (CBMs) as well as international cooperation in cyber space. The course building blocks include: 1) an overview of processes within the UN GGE, the OSCE, the OAS, and the ARF 2) a review of national cyber security strategy formulation trends, and 3) a simulation exercise to facilitate active learning.
For further details about the course please find the Brochure here.
Key benefits for you
The course will enable you to obtain a deeper understanding of:
- Current international cyber security policy issues
- National cyber security strategies
- Current cyber security consultations and negotiation efforts at the global, regional and bilateral levels
- Cyber security and international law
- Norms of responsible State behaviour in cyber space
- Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) and the role of international and regional organisations
- National cyber security strategies
Why you should attend
The course provides an extensive overview of international cyber security negotiations and current consultation and negotiation efforts. Participants will be exposed to the context in which cyber security is being addressed in global forums, such as the UN GGE, OSCE, and Asean Regional Forum. A simulation element will provide an active learning opportunity in which participants develop a consensus text on a specific principle central to the current inter-state debate on cyber security.
Participant profile
Mid- to senior-level foreign affairs government officials involved in foreign policy development and/or cyber security diplomacy. The course is primarily targeted to officials in permanent missions based in Geneva.
Faculty profiles
Lecturers and facilitators include senior experts and diplomats with practical experience and engagement in ongoing, global, regional and bilateral cyber security negotiations. Lecturers include Michele Markoff (USA), Karsten Geier (Germany), Dr. Eneken Tikk (Estonia), Dr. Nils Melzer (Switzerland), Dr. Mika Kerttunen (Finland), Ben Hiller (OSCE)
Course Focus
The course will cover the following topics:
- International cyber security: background and context
- Current cyber security consultations and negotiation efforts at the global, regional and bilateral levels
- International cyber security issues and national cyber security strategies
- Norms of responsible state behaviour and international law
- Building confidence between states, including the role of international and regional organisations
- Simulation exercise
Course Design
The course is interactive in nature. Essential understanding is conveyed during a series of lectures followed by Q&A and interactive discussion of problem sets. A simulation exercise will be conducted on the second day to apply the acquired knowledge.
The Course is offered free of tuition
Apply here.
For further contacts please contact GCSP staff at:
+41 22 73096 00