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Making Cybersecurity Institution and Capacity Building ODA-eligible.

A proposal by Estonia and ICT4Peace

Considerable investments into Cybersecurity Institution and Capacity Building Programs in Developing Countries and LDCs have been made in recent years by Governments, Inter-governmental Organisations,  Academia, Civil Society and the Business Sector.  ...

UN OEWG UN GGE – ICT4Peace proposed a State “Cyber Peer Review Mechanism” for state-conducted foreign cyber operations to UN Cybersecurity Negotiations

A proposal by the ICT4Peace Foundation to be considered by the UN Negotiations under UN OEWG and the UN GGE

In view of the ongoing UN Negotiations (UN OEWG and UN GGE) ICT4Peace Proposed [1] a State “Cyber Peer Review Mechanism” for state-conducted foreign cyber operations. It has been generally acknowledged that some  ...