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First session of Paris Call Working Group 3 moderated by Anne-Marie Buzatu, ICT4Peace

Supporting the Continuation of UN Negotiations With a Strong Multi-Stakeholder Approach (Wednesday, 26 May 4:30-6:00pm CET)

The virtual roundtable will be chaired by Anne-Marie Buzatu, Vice-President Chief Operations Officer at the ICT4Peace Foundation. Anne-Marie will kick-off with a presentation on a successful multi-stakeholder initiative, the International  ...

ICT4Peace and the Christchurch Call Summit

Two years since the ChristchurchCall Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and President Emmanuel Macron hosted the global leaders to a virtual summit on May 15 2021. Glad the Christchurch Call Community Consultation final report  ...

The New EU Legislation on Artificial Intelligence: A Primer

by Prof. Thomas Burri and Dr. Fredrik von Bothmer

In this primer Prof. Thomas Burri and Dr. Fredrick von Bothmer 1) discuss the EU Commission’s proposal of 21 April 2021 of new Union legislation to regulate artificial intelligence (AI)  ...