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It is more than a question of health – the need to protect critical infrastructure

"It is not in the public interest if those possessing offensive cyber capabilities, believe that they are free to “cherry-pick” which critical infrastructure in foreign countries they will refrain from attacking and which they will target."

It is more than a question of health – the need to protect critical infrastructure   “It is not in the public interest if those possessing offensive cyber capabilities, believe  ...

Celebrating the United Nations at 75

As a global custodian of technology in the pursuit of peace, the ICT4Peace Foundation congratulates the United Nations on its 75th anniversary. ICT4Peace was launched with the support of the  ...

Sanija Ameti

Sanija Ameti is a PhD researcher at University of Bern and holds a Master in Public and International Law from University of Zürich. Her regular publications focus on research topics  ...