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Beatriz Botero Arcila


Beatriz Botero Arcila is a doctoral candidate at Harvard Law School and a Fellow at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University. Her research studies the  ...

Peacebuilding in the time of a pandemic: What lies ahead?

A conversation with Helena Puig Larauri of Build Up and Sanjana Hattotuwa from ICT4Peace

On 14 April 2020, Sanjana Hattotuwa, an Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation had a conversation with Helena Puig Larauri, Co-founder and Director at Build Up over Skype, on issues anchored  ...

Anne-Marie Buzatu

Executive Director

Anne-Marie Buzatu is the Executive Director of ICT4Peace Foundation, and is a Member of the Board of the US-based Friends of ICT4Peace Foundation. Previous to this, Anne-Marie was Deputy Head  ...

Making Cybersecurity Institution and Capacity Building ODA-eligible.

A proposal by Estonia and ICT4Peace

Considerable investments into Cybersecurity Institution and Capacity Building Programs in Developing Countries and LDCs have been made in recent years by Governments, Inter-governmental Organisations,  Academia, Civil Society and the Business Sector.  ...


Our solidarity must be grounded on facts – not on fear.

CORONA PAN(DEM)IC: THE GATEWAY TO GLOBAL SURVEILLANCE? Our solidarity must be grounded on facts – not on fear.   As a follow-up to the key note speech by  Regina Surber  ...