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Daniel Stauffacher

Founder, President and Member of the Board

Dr. Daniel Stauffacher, a former Ambassador of Switzerland, is a founder and President of the ICT4Peace Foundation, which since 2003 explores, champions the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for  ...

Elina Noor

Board Member

Elina Noor is Director, Political-Security Affairs and Deputy Director, Washington, D.C. Office at the Asia Society Policy Institute. A native of Malaysia, Elina’s work focuses on security developments in Southeast  ...

Barbara Weekes

Senior Advisor

BARBARA WEEKES Barbara Weekes is a strategic problem solver and team leader who assists various clients to assess and manage global challenges, with a particular focus on cyber security and  ...

Eneken Tikk

Senior Advisor

Eneken Tikk (dr.iur) is lead of strategy and power studies at the Cyber Policy Institute (CPI) in Jyväskylä, Finland. Her work at CPI focuses on questions of strategic stability, cybersecurity  ...

Paul Meyer

Senior Advisor

Paul Meyer is Fellow in International Security and Adjunct Professor of International Studies at Simon Fraser University and a Senior Fellow with The Simons Foundation. Prior to assuming his current  ...

What we do

ICT for peaceful purposes Since 2004, the ICT4Peace Foundation has championed the strategic, sustainable and meaningful use of ICTs for crisis management, disaster risk reduction and peacebuilding. The Foundation’s sustained  ...