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Update on ICT4Peace Activities: March 2017

Access our latest newsletter anchored to the Foundation’s activities around cybersecurity, training, collaborations and strategic input to processes dealing with technology and peacebuilding here. Download the newsletter as a PDF  ...

2016: End of year review

Dear colleagues and friends, For many across the world, 2016 was a year of unexpected turbulence, from on-going violent conflicts and the plight of refugees, to violent terrorist attacks in  ...

Sanjana Hattotuwa

Special Advisor

A TED, Rotary World Peace and Ashoka Fellow, Dr. Sanjana Hattotuwa’s doctoral research at the University of Otago examined the intersection of social media, political communication, propaganda and information disorders in  ...

Michael Møller

Member of the Board, ICT4Peace Foundation

Michael Møller is the 12th Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG). Mr. Møller has over 38 years of experience as an international civil servant in the United  ...