UN Crisis Information Management Strategy (CIMS)

Digital Technologies, Peacebuilding and Civil Society by Julia Hofstetter, Senior Advisor ICT4Peace

Addressing Digital Conflict Drivers and Moving the Digital Peacebuilding Agenda Forward

ICT4Peace warmly recommends reading the excellent Report by Julia Hofstetter, Senior Advisor ICT4Peace, called:  Digital Technologies, Peacebuilding and Civil Society – Addressing Digital Conflict Drivers and Moving the Digital Peacebuilding  ...

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From Digital Promise to Frontline Practice: New and Emerging Technologies in Humanitarian Action

OCHA launches report on new and emerging technologies in humanitarian action

ICT4Peace welcomes the latest report by OCHA on new and emerging technologies in humanitarian action. The OCHA Report can be found here. Announcing the report OCHA writes: “The report – From  ...

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Celebrating the United Nations at 75

As a global custodian of technology in the pursuit of peace, the ICT4Peace Foundation congratulates the United Nations on its 75th anniversary. ICT4Peace was launched with the support of the  ...

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Post-pandemic peace operations

Cross-posted from the TechPops website, curated by Centre for International Peace Operations (ZIF), Berlin, where Sanjana Hattotuwa – Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation – was one of just 100  ...

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ICT4Peace Blogpost: When going viral can be lethal: The need for reliable information in the wake of Covid-19

By Anne-Marie Buzatu, Senior Advisor ICT4Peace

When going viral can be lethal: The need for reliable information in the wake of Covid-19 By Anne-Marie Buzatu[1] In these uncertain Covid-19 times, most of us have been scrambling to  ...

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Input into Expert Dialogue on Technology and Peace Operations, Berlin

The ICT4Peace Foundation was invited participate in and present at the ‘Expert Dialogue on Technology and Peace Operations’ organised by the Centre for International Peace Operations in Berlin, from 1-2  ...

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ICT4Peace supports Geneva Consultations on the report of UN HLP on Digital Cooperation

On Monday 24 June 2019, Anne-Marie Buzatu Senior Advisor for ICT4Peace attended the event Unpacking the High-Level Panel’s Report: Contributions from Geneva hosted by the Geneva Internet Platform, in conjunction with  ...

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UN Digital Cooperation – Questions to SG Guterres, Melinda Gates and Jack Ma

To support the launch of the UN SG Guterres’ Report on Digital Cooperation on 10 June 2019, ICT4peace submitted the following four questions addressed to the UN SG, Melinda Gates  ...

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Implications of Social Media for Reformed Peace Operations: ICT4Peace Presentation to UN Leadership Group

Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation, was invited by the Centre for International Peace Operations (ZIF) to give a presentation on the impact of social media around political  ...

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High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation: Reflections and Recommendations from the ICT4Peace Foundation

The ICT4Peace Foundation is pleased to present for the consideration of the High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation some insights, observations and recommendations based on over ten years of a close,  ...

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The cost of digital peace: Reflections for 2019

2018 served to acutely remind us of the essential fragility of that initial idea the pioneers of the Internet had around bringing humanity together by connecting them. From the start  ...

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ICT4Peace at the ICRC Symposium on Digital Risks in Situations of Armed Conflict in London

Dr. Serge Droz and Daniel Stauffacher participated in the ICRC Symposium on Digital Risks in Situations of Armed Conflict on 11 & 12 December. The program, “Digital Risks in Situations of Armed  ...

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Welcoming UN Secretary General’s strategy on new technologies

As noted on Twitter, the ICT4Peace Foundation welcomes the release of the report on new technologies by the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. The report outlines a bold new vision for the  ...

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The Janus Effect: Social Media in Peace Mediation

Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation, presented at “Social Media and Mediation: the good, the bad and the ugly”, a workshop held in Geneva on 10 July 2018,  ...

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Workshop on Crisis Information Management at the United Nations

Download the 2017/2018 UN Crisis Information Management stock-taking report here. On 26 February 2018, the ICT4Peace Foundation facilitated a meeting with key UN agencies and departments at the UN Secretariat  ...

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ICT4Peace presenting on Peace and Cybersecurity in Cyberspace at Global Parliaments Meeting (IPU) in St. Petersburg

ICT4Peace presenting on Peace and Cybersecurity in Cyberspace at Global Parlaments Meeting (IPU) in St. Petersburg ICT4Peace’s Daniel Stauffacher was invited by the Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) to present on  ...

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Cybersecurity and humanitarianism: Opportunities and challenges

Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation was invited to attend Crisis Code: Humanitarian Protection in the Digital Age, a two-day conference exploring how crisis-affected populations can be safeguarded  ...

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ICT4Peace’s Sanjana Hattotuwa on Humanitarian Threats in the Age of Cyberwar at Swissnex San Francisco

Crisis Code: Humanitarian Protection in the Digital Age A two-day conference exploring how crisis-affected populations can be safeguarded from emerging threats in cyberspace. See here for more details. ICT4Peace’s Sanjana  ...

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ICT4Peace on jury of Resonant Voices hackathon

Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation, was invited to be of the panel of jurists at the Resonant Voices Hackathon, held in Durrës, Albania from 14-17 September 2017.  ...

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ICT4Peace teaching at ETH Zurich Swiss School of Public Governance

ICT4Peace’s Sanjana Hattotuwa and Daniel Stauffacher were invited in September 2017 to lecture at the ETH Certificate of Advanced Studies in Public Governance and Administration Course, of the Swiss School  ...

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ICT4Peace at Cyberweek 2017 – Tel Aviv: Peace and Security Cooperation in Cyberspace

Daniel Stauffacher, President of ICT4Peace, was invited to be speaker at Cyber Week 2017, which took place place in Tel Aviv from June 25th to June 29th. He participated in  ...

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Remarks at ZIF’s 15 year celebrations on social media and peace

The Zentrum für Internationale Friedenseinsätze gGmbH (Centre for International Peace Operations) based in Berlin, Germany, invited Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation, Sanjana Hattotuwa, to talk on social media and peace  ...

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New Media Course: Tools & Techniques for Risk Assessment and Crisis Management

Delivered successfully and to wide acclaim by participants since 2013. Next edition: 21 – 25 August 2017 in Stans in Switzerland The challenge is given the rapidly increasing deluge of  ...

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Fake news in Myanmar: Social Media verification workshop

An informal workshop on verifying news and information spread across social media was held recently at Phandeeyar in Yangon, Burma, led by the Foundation’s Special Advisor, Sanjana Hattotuwa. Amongst the  ...

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ICT4Peace in support of UN Crisis Information Management Strategy

The UN Crisis Information Management Strategy (CiMS) is based on the recognition that governments, the UN, IFIs, non-governmental organisations, business and media have significant experience in crisis response. Yet, no  ...

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Welcoming HXL Version 1.0: A breakthrough in humanitarian information exchange

The ICT4Peace Foundation congratulates OCHA on releasing the first version of the Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL). The Foundation worked closely with CJ Hendrix and Andrej Verity, both visionaries who were  ...

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Operationalizing Peace Operations Reform: New Media and New Technologies

Clearing the Decks After a Year of Reviews: Operationalizing Peace Operations Reform, organised by ZIF, the Centre for International Peace Operations, was held from 25 – 26 February just outside  ...

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UN General Assembly’s World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS+10) Review fails to address the need for peace in cyberspace

Review fails to address the need for Peace in cyberspace Press Release On December 16, 2015 the UN General Assembly issued an outcome document for its review of implementation of  ...

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ICT4Peace Lecture at the Executive School of Management, Technology and Law, University of St. Gallen

ICT4Peace’s Daniel Stauffacher was invited by Dr. Daniel Woker, Ambassador-in-Residence at the Executive School of Management, Technology and Law (ES-HSG) of the University of St.Gallen to give a lecture on the  ...

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Second Protection Information Management (PIM) meeting, led by UNHCR

Having participated remotely in the first Protection Information Management (PIM) meeting held in May 2015, and subsequently given input to working documents that captured the discussions at the meeting, ICT4Peace  ...

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ICT4Peace at UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) 10 Year Review Consultations in New York

ICT4Peace at UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) 10 Year Review Consultations in New York Former Canadian Ambassador Paul Meyer, Senior Advisor, ICT4Peace Foundation, kindly represented ICT4Peace at  ...

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Hate speech, elections and social media: Presentation for MIMU in Yangon, Myanmar

At the invitation of the Myanmar Information Management Unit (MIMU), Sanjana Hattotuwa conducted an information presentation on hate and dangerous speech monitoring plus counter-speech strategies, as well as social media  ...

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ICT4Peace participates in UN Summit on Sustainable Development in New York

ICT4Peace is honoured to have been invited by the President of the UN General Assembly, Mr. Mogens Lykketoft to participate in an interactive panel on “Building effective, accountable and inclusive  ...

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WSIS + 10 ICT4Peace at UN General Assembly interactive hearing on WSIS

The ICT4Peace Foundation is honoured to have been invited to speak at the UN General Assembly on the importance of the emerging ICT tools, including traditional and new media for  ...

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Promoting Peace, Trust and Security in Cyberspace at the United Nations

ICT4Peace’s Daniel Stauffacher was invited on 4 and 5 May 2015 to address the United Nations member states in Geneva, where he called again for the Use of Information and  ...

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ICT4Peace consultations with the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, Berlin

On 23 April 2015, ICT4Peace was invited by the German Federal Foreign Office to discuss international cybersecurity affairs and to give a presentation on the work and mandate by ICT4Peace  ...

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BuildPeace 2015 Conference opens in Nicosia

The Program of the Conference you will find here. ICT4Peace is happy to be an early supporter of the BuildPeace Conference, which started at MIT in 2014. Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special  ...

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Welcoming the timely release of UN’s Performance Peacekeeping Report

The ICT4Peace Foundation welcomes the release of the UN’s ‘Performance Peacekeeping’ Report, looking at the how technology in general and ICTs in particular can strengthen the mandate of the UN’s  ...

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UN General Assembly and UN Secretary General take important steps to improve Crisis Information Management

The UN General Assembly in December 2014 approved the UN Secretary-General’s Strategy, to better exploit the enormous potential of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) for decision-making and delivery capacity of  ...

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Annual consultations in Geneva around CiM, innovation and human rights

Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation, met with Chad Hendrix, Patrick Gordon, members of the UN Information Management Working Group (IMWG), the ICRC’s Tarun Sarwal and Gulheim Ravier and  ...

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Call for deeper engagement by all for the peaceful use of ICTs in 2015

Dear Friends and Colleagues, 2014 has again been a busy year for all those working on ICTs to safe lives and protect human dignity as well as to maintain international  ...

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Better Information Management in Peacekeeping Operations through ICTs – Training at UN RSCE Entebbe

More photos from the training programme here. The ICT4Peace Foundation in cooperation with its partners, the Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF), Berlin and the Folke Bernadotte Accademy, (FBA), Stockholm carried  ...

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UAV Experts Meeting at the United Nations

Co-sponsored by the ICT4Peace Foundation, the UAViators.org Experts Meeting on Humanitarian UAVs was held at the UN Secretariat in New York on Thursday, 6th November 2014. A full report by  ...

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International Conference of Crisis Mappers 2014: New York

The ICCM 2014 conference in New York, which the ICT4Peace co-funded and co-curated, concluded successfully. The Foundation’s support of ICCM extends a number of years. In 2011, the Foundation organised  ...

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Supporting ICRC’s Global Partnerships for Humanitarian Impact and Innovation

Photo courtesy ICRC Daniel Stauffacher and Sanjana Hattotuwa from the ICT4Peace Foundation were invited to attend the inaugural Global Partnerships for Humanitarian Impact and Innovation conference held on October 16th  ...

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Guerre et Paix dans le Cyberespace | War and Peace in Cyberspace

Francois Nordmann, one of the senior most Swiss diplomats in recent times, former Ambassador to France, United Kingdom, UNESCO and The Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the United Nations and  ...

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Contributions to UN Expert Panel on Technology and Innovation in Peace Operations

ICT4Peace contributes to the work of the UN Expert Panel on Technology and Innovation in Peace Operations at ZIF, Berlin 22 – 22 August 2014. In June 2014, UN Under-Secretaries-General  ...

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Report of Crisis Information Management Advisory Group (CiMAG) 2014 Retreat

Led by the UN’s Office of Information and Communications Technology (OICT) and organised by the ICT4Peace Foundation, the 2014 Crisis Information Management Advisory Group (CiMAG) meeting was held on 23rd  ...

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Launch of OCHA’s new humanitarian data platform: Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX)

The Foundation is pleased to note the launch of OCHA’s new humanitarian data platform, HDX. Shown a preview of it some weeks ago, the Foundation believes HDX – well beyond  ...

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n=all: Training on big data for United Nations Department of Political Affairs (DPA)

Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation, gave a presentation on big data and data science at the invitation of the United Nations Department of Political Affairs (DPA) in  ...

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High Level Meeting of the UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) reaffirms the potential of ICT4Peace

In preparation of the Review of the outcome of the UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) 2003 in Geneva and 2005 in Tunis by the UN General Assembly  ...

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Innovations in peacebuilding: How technology is changing the way we see the world and respond to violent conflict

UNICEF recently featured Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation, in a podcast that looked at how technology was helping strengthen peacebuilding. Talking about how technology has changed the  ...

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The future of ICTs in peacebuilding: Presentation at Build Peace conference 2014

ICT4Peace was an early advisor to and sponsor of this first of its kind conference ‘Peace Through Technology‘ at MIT, Cambridge in April 2014. The Conference explored how information and  ...

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MONUSCO: Workshop on ICTs and new media for UN peacekeeping and peace-building

Improving Situational Awareness Workshop and Training at MONUSCO, Goma DRC, 13 – 16 May Improved situational awareness is critical to effective operations and informed decision-making to protect civilians, save lives  ...

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Humanitarian Logistics and Management course in Lugano

Since the first cohort of students over four years ago, the ICT4Peace Foundation has lectured at the Master of Advanced Studies in Humanitarian Logistics and Management at the University of Lugano. The Foundation’s  ...

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Humanitarian Drones: New magazine on FlipBoard

To complement the launch of the UAViators platform and network, the ICT4Peace Foundation started to curate a FlipBoard magazine on the use of UAVs and drones for non-lethal purposes, with  ...

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UAViators: Exploring the use of UAVs for non-lethal purposes

Photo credit: Pia Zaragoza, via UNICEF In March 2014, Patrick Meier invited the ICT4Peace Foundation to give input into what at the time was a draft note around creating a global  ...

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Innovation in UN peacekeeping: Discussing the state-of-the-art and the future

On April 7th a high-level panel with the two UN Under-Secretaries for Peace-Keeping, Ameerah Haq and Hervé Ladsous was organized at IPI in New York focusing on advances in technologies  ...

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Crisis Management: Understanding the Real Impact of ICTs, Social Media and Crisis Mapping

The idea of trying to better understand the role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in promoting and building peace emerged, at a policy level, in the context of the  ...

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Presentation at The Crisis Management Centre (KMZ) of the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On 25 March 2014, The ICT4Peace Foundation was invited to make a presentation at The Crisis Management Centre (KMZ) of the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs on big data and social  ...

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OHCHR Workshop in Geneva: Using ICTs to strengthen human rights

On 26 March 2014 Sanjana Hattotuwa and Daniel Stauffacher from the ICT4Peace Foundation continued its ongoing engagement with the Peace Mission Support and Rapid Response Section and the Methodology, Education  ...

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Report: ENTRi course on new media in crisis information management

From 17 to 21 March at the European Academy Grunewald in Berlin, Germany, Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation led the training of a new and unique ENTRi  ...

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ENTRi course on New Media: Embracing the future

Image from Crisis Information Management Course – Berlin, November 2013 From 17 to 21 March, the ICT4Peace Foundation will lead the training of a new and unique ENTRi course on the  ...

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Lecture at ETH Zurich: Big Data, ICTs and New Media in Times of Crisis

ICT4Peace’s Sanjana Hattotuwa has been invited to give a lecture on 27 March 2014 at the International Security Network (ISN) of ETH Zurich on “Big Data, ICTs and New Media  ...

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New Media Course: Tools & Techniques for Civilian Crisis Management

Course Description This course introduces participants to a variety of new media tools and platforms used in the collection, presentation, verification, and dissemination of information. Participants have the chance to  ...

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Video: What’s so Big about Big Data?

Recorded at the 5th Annual International Conference of Crisis Mappers, Nairobi, Kenya, 18-22 November 2013 Host: ICT4Peace Foundation Moderated by Sanjana Hattotuwa [ICT4Peace Foundation] Key presentation by Jon Gosier [D8A  ...

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Telcos in emergencies: Using the mobile network to locate customers in distress

Duty of care argument for telcos? If customer in radius of emergency situation (via GSM), alert first responders, possibly family? #iccm Tweeted by Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor at the Foundation  ...

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Updates from Day 1, ICCM 2013, Nairobi

Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation, tweeted over 80 times on @ict4peace during the course of the first day of the International Conference of Crisis Mappers (ICCM) held  ...

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Presentation on innovation at ICCM 2013 Nairobi Training Day

Photo by Heather Leson Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation, delivered a short presentation as part of a panel at the International Conference on Crisis Mappers (ICCM) 2013  ...

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What’s so Big about Big Data? Panel at 5th Annual International Conference of Crisis Mappers

2 November 2013, Geneva, Switzerland: After months of preparation, the ICT4Peace Foundation is pleased to announce and invite you to join a panel on Big Data at the 5th Annual International Conference  ...

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UN OCHA thanks ICT4Peace Foundation

In late July 2013, Mark Dalton, the Chief of UN OCHA’s Information Services Branch officially wrote to the ICT4Peace Foundation to thank the Foundation’s support and intellectual input, over many  ...

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Guidance for Collaborating with Formal Humanitarian Organizations

As noted by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), This guidance is intended for Volunteer and Technical Communities (V&TCs) and tech groups that have a  ...

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Presentation at OpenGov Hub on Big Data

Sanjana Hattotuwa from the ICT4Peace Foundation was invited to deliver a brown-bag presentation at the OpenGov Hub in Washington DC in late April. His presentation was on Big Data and  ...

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ICT4Peace, Big Data and Crisismapping magazines on Flipboard

The ICT4Peace Foundation is pleased to announce three new curated magazines on the visually compelling Flipboard, dealing with Big Data, crisismapping and ICTs for peacebuilding. Flipboard is one of the most  ...

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Report of Crisis Information Management Advisory Group (CiMAG) Retreat 2013

Led by the UN’s Office of Information and Communications Technology (OICT) and organised by the ICT4Peace Foundation, the 2013 Crisis Information Management Advisory Group (CiMAG) meeting was held on 2nd  ...

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Consultation on “Protection in violent situations – standards for managing sensitive information”

Dutch Red Cross worker Meike Groen, working for the ICRC in Haiti, helps people use the satellite phone to reassure relatives that they are alive, via Flickr. © ICRC / Marko Kokic /  ...

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Big Data & social media for crisis management: Lecture at ETH, Zurich

Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor to the ICT4Peace Foundation, delivered a public lecture on Big Data & social media for crisis management at Zurich’s Swiss Federal Institute of Technology – ETH, one of  ...

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Lecture at ZIF: Web based social media and peacekeeping

Image courtesy UN Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation, was invited to deliver a presentation at Centre for International Peace Operations (ZIF) in Berlin, Germany, on 15 April  ...

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‘Humanitarianism in the Network Age’ by OCHA highlights shared interests and work

The ICT4Peace Foundation recognises UN OCHA’s new publication Humanitarianism in the Network Age as a significant contribution to our understanding of how new technologies including new web based social media, are  ...

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Workshop on ICTs and Human Rights at United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

The ICT4Peace Foundation on Tuesday, 12th March held a workshop  with The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)’s Peace Mission Support and Rapid Response Section.  ...

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Training in Nairobi on Social Media as a Means of Crisis Information Management – A Kenyan Case Study

by Christopher Radler After having been rather illiterate in the field of Social Media and the huge potential it offers, and only being able to receive a first glimpse through  ...

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Navigate a new paradigm: Crisis Information Management Training Course

Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA), Zentrum für Internationale Friedenseinsätze (ZIF) and ICT4Peace Foundation announce the new Crisis Information Management Training Course at the International Peace Support Training Center (IPSTC), Nairobi from 23  ...

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ICT4Peace: Sustainable and resilient Internet a prerequisite to protect human dignity and save lives in crisis

Image courtesy TechChange ICT4Peace’s Daniel Stauffacher participated in a Symposium at Harvard University (6-8 December 2012) on “Internet-Driven Developments: Structural Changes and Tipping Points”, co-hosted by the Harvard Berkman Center  ...

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New Technologies and Human Rights Monitoring: Workshop Summary

Stanford University’s Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law together with the Foreign Policy Studies Program at the Brookings Institution and Google.org, convened a two-day workshop to advance  ...

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Report on Information and Communications Technology for Peace

A report on the use of Information and Communications Technologies for peacebuilding (ICT4Peace), with a Preface by Kofi A. Annan, former Secretary General of the United Nations.

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ISCRAM Summer School 2012: The current state and future of CiM

Having first taught at the ISCRAM Summer School in 2011, ICT4Peace Foundation’s Special Advisor Sanjana Hattotuwa was again invited to teach at the 2012 Summer School, held at the University  ...

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Protection in violent situations: Standards for managing sensitive information

On 23 August 2012, Simone Eymann on behalf of the ICT4Peace Foundation participated in a one-day consultation, co-organised by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and InterAction, on  ...

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High-Level Meeting on Crisis Information Management High Level Dialogue, 10 July 2012

Swiss Mission to the United Nations New York, 10 July 2012 Report on High-Level Dialogue with UN Member States on the status of the UN Crisis Information Management Strategy (CiMS)  ...

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Report of the Crisis Information Management CiMAG Retreat, 10–12 June 2012

The report of the Crisis Information Management CiMAG Retreat, held from 10–12 June 2012 at Dolce Palisades, New York is now available. Please download a copy of it here. Big  ...

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The Impact of New Technologies and ICTs on Sustainable Development: Panel at Rio+20

Organized by the Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technologies and Development (GAID) and Office of UN’s Chief Information Technology Officer (CITO) Introduction The intersection of Information and Communication Technology  ...

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Risk and Crisis Communication and the new social media: Opportunities for international cooperation

Daniel Stauffacher of ICT4Peace participated on 29 June 2012 in the Policy round table Risk and Crisis Communication and the new social media: Opportunities for international cooperation. This Panel was  ...

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UN Crisis Information Management – Tools and Thoughts

Presentation delivered by Sanjana Hattotuwa at the Crisis Information Management Advisory Group (CiMAG) retreat, 11 – 12 June 2012, in New York, under the leadership of UN ASG and CITO,  ...

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Panel at Rio +20 Summit: The Impact of New Technologies and ICTs on Sustainable Development

The Impact of New Technologies and ICTs on Sustainable Development Time: 11:30 – 13:00 Date: 18 Jun 2012 Room: T-5 Organising partners Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID) Office  ...

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Notes from WSIS High Level Panel on ICTs for post-conflict reconstruction

The ICT4Peace Foundation, infoDev, a global partnership of the World Bank, and ITU organised a well attended High-Level Dialogue and Thematic Workshop on “ICT for post-conflict reconstruction” during the World  ...

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ICT4Peace meets with US Federal Telecommunications Commission (FCC) during WSIS 2012 in Geneva

ICT4Peace President Daniel Stauffacher was very pleased to meet with Commissioner Ms. Mignon Clyburn of the US Federal Telecommunications Commission during WSIS 2012 in Geneva. The bilateral meeting allowed explaining  ...

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Informazione e nuove tecnologie: al servizio della pace

An interview with Daniel Stauffacher by www.unimondo.org (OneWorld Italy) Available also here. Mappe interattive che segnalano focolai di violenza elaborate a partire da segnalazioni via sms e internet. Video educativi  ...

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Web Foundation Announces Publication of Accelerating Development Using the Web: Empowering Poor and Marginalized Populations

George Sadowsky, the editor, along with Najeeb Al-Shorbaj, WHO, Torbjörn Fredriksson, UNCTAD, two of the fourteen authors and ICT4Peace’s Daniel Stauffacher, member of the Board of the World Wide Web  ...

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ICT for post-conflict reconstruction: WSIS High Level Panel

The ICT4Peace Foundation, infoDev, a global partnership of the World Bank, and ITU are organising a High-Level Dialogue and Thematic Workshop focusing on “ICT for post-conflict reconstruction” during the forthcoming  ...

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Social Media as a Tool for Humanitarian Protection

Daniel Stauffacher, ICT4Peace’s President, participated in a live seminar on Social Media as a Tool for Humanitarian Protection organised by  Harvards Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research (HCPR) (see link: http://www.hpcrresearch.org/events/live-seminar-44-social-media-tool-humanitarian-protection).  ...

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Presentation at “Information and Communication Technology – Sustainable Solutions”

Daniel Stauffacher, Chairman of the ICT4Peace Foundation, along with  Lars Peter Nissen, Director, Assessment Capacities Project participated in a panel on “Information and Communication Technology – Sustainable Solutions”, organized by Prof. Jarrod  Goentzel,  ...

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The potential and challenges of open data for crisis information management and aid efficiency: A preliminary assessment

The ICT4Peace Foundation is pleased to inform you about its most recent paper entitled The potential and challenges of open data for crisis information management and aid efficiency: A preliminary  ...

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Information and Intelligence Cooperation in Multifunctional International Operations

Representing the ICT4Peace Foundation, Sanjana Hattotuwa participated and lectured in Information and Intelligence Cooperation in Multifunctional International Operations, a course run by the Folke Bernadotte Academy in Sandö – Stockholm.  ...

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Crisis Information Management Platform (CIM Platform)

During the high-level debate on ‘ICTs for Disaster Management’ and the workshop on ‘Getting it Right in Crisis Management: Going beyond the hype on ICTs’ at the World Summit on  ...

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ICT4Peace Foundation’s verification plugin for Ushahidi used in Egypt

The Ushahidi blog features a guest post by Alex Mayyasi, a graduate of Stanford University’s International Relations program, class of 2011, living in Cairo, Egypt on the use of the  ...

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MoU with Folke Bernadotte Academy: Information management for peace support operations

The ICT4Peace Foundation is proud to announce the signing of an MOU with the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA) of Sweden. The parties have agreed to cooperate in the furtherance of  ...

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Potential of Open Government Data for Crisis Information Management and Aid Efficiency

On 22 December 2011, ICT4Peace’s Daniel Stauffacher adressed over 60 Swiss Parliamentarians, Senior Government Officials and ICT Business Representatives in Bern Switzerland at a dinner organised by the pro Open  ...

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Keynote address at International Network of Crisis Mappers (ICCM) 2011

Along with Delilah H.A. Al Khudhairy from the EU’s JRC, Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation delivered the keynote address at the 2011 International Network of Crisis Mappers,  ...

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Keynote Address by Delilah Al-Khudhairy: 3rd International Conference of Crisis Mappers

Keynote Address by Delilah Al-Khudhairy on behalf of the European Commission’s inhouse science service at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) Good Afternoon Dear Colleagues, It is also my pleasure to  ...

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Welcome Address at VALgEO 2011: Validation of geo-information products for crisis management

Delilah H.A. Al Khudhairy B.Sc (Eng), PhD from the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre delivered this keynote at VALgEO 2011, held from 18 – 19 October 2011. Daniel Stauffacher, Chairman  ...

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Monitoring Tunisia’s first election: ICT4Peace Foundation & Instance Supérieure Indépendante pour les Elections

In support of the first elections since the revolution in Tunisia on 23 October 2011, the Tunisian “Higher Independent Election Committee” or “Instance Supérieure Indépendante pour les Elections” (ISIE) has  ...

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Second Masters level course in Humanitarian logistics and management

The ICT4Peace Foundation once again taught at the first of its kind Master of Advanced Studies in Humanitarian Logistics and Management Programme (MAS HLM) at the University of Lugano, Switzerland.  ...

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From the UN Chronicle: Strengthening Crisis Information Management

Daniel Stauffacher, former Ambassador of Switzerland to the United Nations and Co-Founder and Chairman of the ICT4Peace Foundation writes for the UN Chronicle on Crisis Information Management. He notes that,  ...

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Training in Crisis Information Management for African Peacekeeping and Peace-building Missions using ICTs and New Media

The ICT4Peace Foundation and its partners conduct a first of its kind training course on Crisis Information Management for African Peacekeeping and Peace-building Missions using ICTs and New Media (Cairo  ...

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MoU with Zentrum für Internationalen Friedensdienst (ZIF)

ICT4Peace is pleased to announce, that the Zentrum für Internationalen Friedensdienst (ZIF) in Berlin and the ICT4 have signed an MoU, that will provide a framework for cooperation in the  ...

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Successful deployment of Ushahidi – ICT4Peace information validation tool (The Matrix) during Egyptian election

In 2010, the ICT4Peace Foundation mandated Ushahidi to develop a plugin for Ushahidi’s existing web based platform to validate information generated from the ground. This plugin, called the Matrix, was  ...

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Enhancing Information and Communication: Issues for Policymakers, Ambassadors, and Commanders

Sanjana Hattotuwa, on behalf of the ICT4Peace Foundation, delivered a presentation at “Enhancing Information and Communication: Issues for Policymakers, Ambassadors, and Commanders” organised by National Defence University, Fort Lesley J.  ...

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ICT4Peace supports the UN Humanitarian Response | Creating a Common Operational Dataset Registry

The ICT4Peace Foundation and the Swiss Government supported OCHA to build The Humanitarian Response – Common and Operational Datasets Registry to make critical information during a humanitarian crisis available to  ...

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Participation at UN OCHA wash-up meeting on Libya including ICT4Peace Wiki

On 15th June 2011, the Foundation was invited to an OCHA sponsored washup meeting to reflect on the lessons identified and learnt as part of the unprecedented collaboration between the  ...

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Crisis Management: Understanding the Real Impact of ICTs, Social Media and Crisis Mapping

Digital Development Debates published by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH features this week a short essay from the Foundation looking at the use of ICTs in crisis  ...

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Crisismappers.net Webinar 2011: Going beyond Crisis Mapping

On 8 March 2011, Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation, delivered a webinar analysing the state of the field in crisis mapping, and asked some critical questions around  ...

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Using citizen journalism to bear witness to violence: TED Talk

Special Advisor to the ICT4Peace Foundation, Sanjana Hattotuwa delivered his TED Talk at TED 2011 in Long Beach, California.

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Enhanced ICT4Peace Crisis Information Management Platform Demonstrator (CIMD)

Ushahidi and the ICT4Peace Foundation have agreed to jointly develop an enhanced ICT4Peace Crisis Information Management Platform Demonstrator (CIMD), based on Ushahidi’s existing platform and as deployed e.g. in Libya  ...

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Report on global mapping of technology for transparency and accountability

The Transparency Accountability Initiative recently released the final report on a Global mapping of technology for transparency and accountability. As the launch press release avers, As internet and mobile phone  ...

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UN Crisis Information Management Advisory Group (CiMAG) Meeting, 19 May 2011

ICT is a huge enabler and source of empowerment, allowing individuals to take some, albeit limited, control of their own destiny within the chaotic framework of a crisis, natural disaster  ...

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4th ISCRAM Summer School on Humanitarian Information Management and Logistics: The case of the Haiti earthquake

The ICT4Peace Foundation will be present and teaching at the ISCRAM Summer School, from 17 to 26 August 2011 in Tilburg. ### CALL FOR APPLICATIONS 4th ISCRAM SUMMER SCHOOL ON  ...

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Thematic Workshop at WSIS Forum 2011: Mainstreaming Crisis Mappers and Social Media in Crisis

For the second consecutive year, the ICT4Peace Foundation was invited to host a thematic Workshop at the annual WSIS forum in Geneva. Under the title Mainstreaming Crisis Mappers and Social  ...

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3rd International Conference of Crisis Mappers: Mainstreaming Crisis Mapping?

The ICT4Peace Foundation, the Swiss Confederation and the European Commission’s Joint Research Center are pleased to announce and invite you to participate at the 3rd International Conference of Crisis Mappers  ...

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ICT4Peace Foundation, Georgia Tech and the Berkman Center for Internet & Society on future of ICTs in peacebuilding and crisis response

The ICT4Peace Foundation, Georgia Tech, and the Berkman Center for Internet & Society organised a strategic brainstorming meeting to discuss key questions and learnings in technologies for development, disaster management, crisis mapping  ...

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Every peace matters: Crisis Management Initiative (CMI) 10 Year Anniversary

ICT4Peace’s Daniel Stauffacher was privileged to attend President Martti Ahtisaari’s Crisis Management Initiative (CMI) 10 Year Anniversary Celebration on 19 April in Helsinki. Over 700 people and many more online  ...

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Comprehensive resource list on 2011 Libyan Uprising

The ICT4Peace Foundation’s crisis information management wiki on Libya was created over a month ago. The first of its kind on the web at the time of its launch, and  ...

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Dubai International Humanitarian Aid & Development Conference & Exhibition 2011 (DIHAD)

“The ICT4Peace Foundation was kindly invited to participate at the Dubai International Humanitarian Aid & Development Conference & Exhibition 2011 (DIHAD). ICT4Peace Chairman Daniel Stauffacher presented on the topic of  ...

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Peacebuilding in the Information Age: Sifting Hype from Reality

11.1.11, Switzerland: The ICT4Peace Foundation, in collaboration with the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University and GeorgiaTech, is pleased to release, on the occasion of the anniversary  ...

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United Nations core ICT strategy incorporates crisis information management

As noted in the Foreword by Dr. Choi Soon-hong, Assistant Secretary-General & Chief Information Technology Officer, The goal of the ICT strategy, described in this publication, is to maximize the  ...

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Report of the UN Secretary General underscores crisis information management strategy

Status of implementation of the information and communications technology strategy for the United Nations Secretariat, Report of the Secretary-General (A/65/491) prominently underscores the Crisis Information Management (CiM) Strategy, which the  ...

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ICT4Peace Foundation at 16th Annual Conference of the International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centers

The ICT4Peace Foundation presented at the 16th Annual Conference of the International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centers which took place in Dacca, Bangladesh from 27 November to 3 December. The  ...

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Crisis Mapping & Humanitarian Information on the Ground in Haiti

In one of the most compelling presentations given at the 2010 Crisismappers conference held in Boston, Nigel Snoad, Board Member of the ICT4Peace Foundation, flags enduring challenges with the use  ...

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InterAmerican Development Bank Webinar on Mobile Technology

Dag Nielsen, Senior Advisor, ICT4Peace was 4 November invited to be keynote speaker on Mobile Technology at a web seminar organized by the InterAmerican Development Bank. Nowadays almost every single  ...

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United Nations OCHA congratulates ICT4Peace Foundation for the creation of the ICT4Peace Crisis Information Wikis

In a letter dated  11 October 2010 to the Chairman of the ICT4Peace Foundation, Pat Banks, Chief  Communication and Services Branch, OCHA congratulated the ICT4Peace Foundation for the creation of  ...

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Video of UN CITO’s speech to crisismapping community

CrisisMappers has posted in two parts the speech delivered by Dr. Choi Soon-hong, the UN Secretariat’s Chief Information Technology Office (CITO) at the CrisisMapping conference held in Boston earlier this  ...

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Connecting Crisismapping to the United Nations

(Hattotuwa and Stauffacher October 2010) Cross-fertilisation of UN Common Operational Datasets and Crisismapping At the retreat of the UN Crisis Information Management Advisory Group (CiMAG) on 5 October 2010 at  ...

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UN Crisis Information Management Advisory Group meeting

The UN Crisis Information Management Advisory Group meeting (CiMAG) meeting convened by the UN’s Chief Information Technology Officer Dr. Dr. Soon-Hong Choi took place on 4 October 2010 at the  ...

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Learning from Haiti & 2010 Crises: A roundtable discussion

ICCM 2010: Learning from Haiti This roundtable will review the lessons learned and best practices from the disaster response to Haiti. As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently noted in  ...

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Pakistan flooding crisis information wiki launched

16 August 2010: The ICT4Peace Foundation launched its latest crisis information wiki on the Pakistan floods today. This unique curated wiki already links to over one hundred vital data points  ...

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Pakistan Floods

Executive summary of Pakistan Floods wiki The 2010 Pakistan floods began in July 2010 after record heavy monsoon rains. The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan was worst affected. At least  ...

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Wikis for Crisis Information Management

A collection of unique and widely acclaimed wikis created by the ICT4Peace Foundation are geared towards the humanitarian aid community as well as media and policy makers. They feature vital  ...

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Training and curricula development for ICT and Peace-keeping

The Foundation develops and carries out training courses in Crisis Information Management (CiM) for multi-dimensional and multi-stakeholders missions in peacekeeping and peacebuilding. The content is anchored to new dimensions in  ...

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Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ.net): “Eure Seite rettet Menschenleben”

Instrument kommender Friedensmissionen „In der Geschichte des Einsatzes von Internettechnologie zu humanitären Zwecken war Haiti ein Meilenstein“, sagt Daniel Stauffacher. Er ist Direktor der in Genf ansässigen Stiftung ICT4Peace (Informations-  ...

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Finding space for crowd-sourcing in humanitarian response

“Crowd-sourcing” is a new buzzword in the world of humanitarian information. The combined power of mobile phones, mapping technology and social networking can enable citizens in crisis to seek help, facilitate aid deliveries, bear witness to abuses and hold governments and aid agencies more accountable, advocates say.

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ICT4Peace Interview on crisis information management at IDRC Global Risk Forum

Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor to the ICT4Peace Foundation, was part of a panel looking at ICTs and risk management at the IDRC Global Risk Forum held recently in Davos, Switzerland.

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Interview with Daniel Stauffacher in Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ): “Schwarm-Intelligenz und Rudel-Blödsinn”

Articles that appeared on NZZ in print and online, featuring an interview with the President of the ICT4Peace Foundation, Daniel Stauffacher: «Technologie rettet Leben» and an Article by Eric Gujer,  ...

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Eric Gujer of NZZ on ICT4Peace and New Social Media in Crisis Management: “Schwarm-Intelligenz and Rudel-Blödsinn”

Article by Eric Gujer, Editor in Chief of NZZ on the role of social media in Crisis Management: Schwarm-Intelligenz und Rudel-Blödsinn.

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ICT4Peace Foundation featured in NZZ Online

The ICT4Peace Foundation features in an article and interview in one of the leading German language newspapers, Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ), on the role of new Information and communication technologies  ...

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Crisis in Kyrgyzstan 2010 | Crisis Information Wiki

The ICT4Peace Foundation’s latest crisis information wiki focuses on the emergency in Kyrgyzstan. This unique curated wiki already includes vital information from the UN system in Kyrgyzstan, NGOs, the World  ...

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Report on Getting it Right in Crisis Management: Going beyond the hype on ICTs session at WSIS 2010

The ICT4Peace Foundation organised a panel discussion at the WSIS 2010 event in Geneva on 13 May anchored to the topic Getting it Right in Crisis Management: Going beyond the hype  ...

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ICT4Peace Foundation enters into new agreement with Ushahidi to develop Crisis Information Management Demonstrator (CIMD)

25 May 2010, Geneva, Switzerland: During the high-level debate on ‘ICTs for Disaster Management’ and the workshop on ‘Getting it Right in Crisis Management: Going beyond the hype on ICTs’  ...

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Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor, ICT4Peace Foundation selected as 2010 TEDGlobal Fellow

27 May 2010, Geneva, Switzerland: The ICT4Peace Foundation is very pleased to announce that Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor, ICT4Peace Foundation has been selected as a 2010 TEDGlobal Fellow for his  ...

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Peace IT – September 2009

Download : PeaceIT September 2009.pdf September 2009 issue of Peace IT!, produced by the ICT4Peace Foundation, Switzerland in cooperation with Crisis Management Institute, Finland. In this edition contributors highlight the  ...

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Recording of Getting it Right in Crisis Management: Going beyond the hype on ICTs at WSIS 2010

Click here to access the recording of Getting it Right in Crisis Management: Going beyond the hype on ICTs, a panel discussion held on 13 May 2010, organised by the ICT4Peace Foundation held  ...

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Recording of ICTs for Disaster Management High Level Panel discussion at WSIS 2010

Click here to access the recording of ICTs for Disaster Management, a high level panel discussion at WSIS 2010 on 12 May 2010. The Chairman of the ICT4Peace Foundation, Daniel Stauffacher, was  ...

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Recording of Live seminar on “ICT and Protection: Can Information and Communication Technology Enhance Humanitarian Action?”

Click here to access an MP3 recording of Sanjana Hattotuwa’s submission to the web seminar ICT and Protection: Can Information and Communication Technology Enhance Humanitarian Action?, organised by the Humanitarian  ...

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ICT4Peace Foundation conducts post-Haiti assessment roundtable discussion

The ICT4Peace Foundation organised and facilitated a closed door roundtable meeting in Geneva, on 13 May 2010, to discuss the Crisis Information Management (CiM) strategy in general and how the  ...

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ICT4Peace Foundation enters into new agreement with Ushahidi to develop Crisis Information Management Demonstrator (CIMD)

On the occasion of the high-level debate on ICTs for Disaster Management and the workshop on Getting it Right in Crisis Management: Going beyond the hype on ICTs at the  ...

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ICT and Protection: Can Information and Communication Technology Enhance Humanitarian Action?

Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor to the ICT4Peace Foundation, will be part of a august panel looking at ICTs and humanitarian aid. Titled ICT and Protection: Can Information and Communication Technology  ...

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WSIS Forum 2010: Cumbre Mundial De Las Naciones Unidas Sobre La Sociedad De La Informacion

4 de Mayo 2010:  Tengo el agrado de anunciar que, durante la Cumbre Mundialde la Sociedad de la Información (WSIS) FORO 2010, la Fundación ICT4Peace serála anfitriona de un taller  ...

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Haiti and Beyond: Getting it Right in Crisis Information Management

The event The massive earthquake that struck Haiti on 12 January 2010 shattered the foundations of the entire country. By 23 January, a little less than a fortnight after the  ...

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Critical information on Chile earthquake: ICT4Peace Foundation sets up crisis information wiki page

As noted on the OpenStreetMap wiki, the 2010 Chile earthquake occurred off the coast of the Maule Region of Chile, on February 27, 2010, at 03:34 local time (06:34 UTC),  ...

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ICT4Peace Workshop and High-Level Debate, WSIS FORUM 2010, 12-13 May, Geneva

WSIS FORUM 2010, UN WORLD SUMMIT ON THE INFORMATION SOCIETY, 12-13 May 2010, Geneva The ICT4Peace Foundation will host a workshop during the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)  ...

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Haiti and beyond: Getting it right in Crisis Information Management

(Hattotuwa and Stauffacher, March 2010) The ICT4Peace Foundation released Haiti and beyond: Getting it right in Crisis Information Management in April 2010 – the first critique of a number of  ...

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Asociación con el Programa de la Maestría de Estudios Avanzados en Logística y Gestión Humanitaria (MAS HLM), de la Universidad de Lugano

Mayo 2010:  La Fundación se asocia con el Programa de la Maestría de Estudios Avanzados en Logística y Gestión Humanitaria (MAS HLM) de la Universidad de Lugano, Suiza, a fin  ...

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Partnership with Master of Advanced Studies in Humanitarian Logistics and Management Programme (MAS HLM), University of Lugano

The ICT4Peace Foundation entered into a partnership with  the Master of Advanced Studies in Humanitarian Logistics and Management Programme (MAS HLM) of the University of Lugano, Switzerland to develop and  ...

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ICT4Peace Wiki on the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

Executive Summary of Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill wiki Photo credit: Deepwater Horizon Response The Deepwater Horizon oil spill, also called the BP Oil Spill, the Gulf of Mexico oil  ...

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Haiti and Beyond: Getting it Right in Crisis Information Management

Download the full report as a PDF here. The massive earthquake that struck Haiti on 12 January 2010 shattered the foundations of the entire country. By 23 January, a little less  ...

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Critical information on Chile earthquake: ICT4Peace Foundation sets up crisis information wiki page

As noted on the OpenStreetMap wiki, the 2010 Chile earthquake occurred off the coast of the Maule Region of Chile, on February 27, 2010, at 03:34 local time (06:34 UTC),  ...

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Earthquake in Chile

Executive Summary of Chilean earthquake wiki The 2010 Chile earthquake occurred off the coast of the Maule Region of Chile, on February 27, 2010, at 03:34 local time (06:34 UTC),  ...

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ICT4Peace at 9th Forum on New Technologies of Information & Communication Applied to Conflict

Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor to the ICT4Peace Foundation, will participate in the 9th Forum on New Technologies of Information & Communication applied to Conflict, from 2 − 3 June 2010  ...

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Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Chilean Joint Peacekeeping Operations Centre and the ICT for Peace Foundation in Santiago de Chile

  18 February 2010: The ICT4Peace Foundation is pleased to announce that The Chilean Joint Peacekeeping Operations Centre (CECOPAC), located in Santiago de Chile and the ICT4Peace Foundation, Geneva have signed  ...

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What is ICT4Peace?: Article written for Strategic Foresight Group

“ICT4Peace is the belief, supported by a growing body of practitioners globally, that Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) including mobile phones help in all aspects of peacekeeping and peacebuilding. Much  ...

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ICT4Peace Foundation featured in IRIN podcast on use of technology in January 2010 Haiti earthquake aid effort

UN OCHA’s IRIN news service has a podcast up that features key observations by Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation on the use of technology / ICTs in  ...

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Haiti Earthquake 2010: Critical information updates to ICT4Peace Foundation wiki – 18 January 2010

On January 12, 2010, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti. Its shocking aftermath once again demonstrates the need for timely, accurate information to strengthen aid, response and recovery after a  ...

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Haiti Earthquake 2010: Critical information updates to ICT4Peace Foundation wiki – 17 January 2010

On January 12, 2010, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti. Its shocking aftermath once again demonstrates the need for timely, accurate information to strengthen aid, response and recovery after a  ...

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Haiti Earthquake 2010: Critical information updates to ICT4Peace Foundation wiki – 15 January 2010

On January 12, 2010, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti. Its shocking aftermath, the scale of which is only now coming to light, once again demonstrates the need for timely,  ...

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Urgent information on Haiti: ICT4Peace Foundation sets up wiki page

On January 12, 2010, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti. Its shocking aftermath, the scale of which is only now coming to light, once again demonstrates the need for timely,  ...

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Useful web resources for Haiti earthquake information and help

Twitter feeds http://twitter.com/cnnbrk/haiti (from CNN / requires manual refresh) Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Haiti_earthquake (refresh often for more updates and edits) Google social media updates http://www.google.com/search?q=Haiti+earthquake&hl=en&safe=off&client=safari&rls=en&tbs=rltm:1&tbo=u&ei=zfJNS67oAtP0_Ab29byfDg&sa=X&oi=realtime_result_group_more_results_link&ct=title&resnum=9&ved=0CCYQ5QUwCA (this is updated every second automatically) News  ...

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ICT4Peace Presentation at Lunch Seminar of Swiss Mission to UN in New York on ICT as tools for peace building, crisis management and disaster recovery

At a Lunch hosted by the Swiss Ambassador to the UN in New York, Sanjana Hattotuwa made the following presentation on: ICTs for humanitarian aid: Some enduring challenges in crisis such  ...

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Presentation at Lunch Seminar on ICT as tools for peace building, crisis management and disaster recovery

Lunch Seminar Security Arena: ICT4Peace – ICT as tools for peace building, crisis management and disaster recovery Date: December 8, 11.30 – 12.30, Lindholmen Science Park – Security Arena Location:  ...

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ICT4Peace calls for better disaster preparedness and crisis management at the Copenhagen Climate Summit

ICT4Peace calls for better disaster preparedness and crisis management at the Copenhagen Climate Summit 14 December 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark: The ICT4Peace Foundation actively engages at the Copenhagen Climate Summit, invited  ...

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The Role of Communications Technology During Natural Disasters and Conflicts

As natural disasters and civil conflicts increase worldwide, so too does access to new and lower cost technologies.  The United Nations Foundation and Vodafone Foundation Technology Partnership’s latest report, New  ...

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Interview with Daniel Stauffacher at Internet Governance Forum 2009 (IGF)

The Chairman of the ICT4Peace Foundation Daniel Stauffacher is interviewed by Egypt’s Nile TV at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) held in November 2009. Dr. Stauffacher talks about ICT for  ...

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3rd high-level luncheon on Crisis Information Management (CiM) at the United Nations in New York

24 November 2009: Held at the office of the Swiss Mission in New York, the 3rd high-level luncheon on Crisis Information Management (CiM) was co-organised by the Office of Information  ...

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ICT4Peace Foundation accompanies UN CITO on mission to Haiti (MINUSTAH)

3 – 6 November 2009: Dr. Daniel Stauffacher and Mr. Sanjana Hattotuwa from the ICT4Peace Foundation were invited to participate in a field mission to Haiti by Dr. Soon-Hong Choi,  ...

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Launch of Peace IT! September 2009

The September 2009 issue of Peace IT!, produced by the ICT4Peace Foundation, Switzerland in cooperation with Crisis Management Initiative, Finland, is available for immediate download here. In this edition contributors  ...

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Ushahidi’s Goma release incorporates features from ICT4Peace Foundation’s crisis information management prototype

Ushahidi’s launched a major new update to their platform called Goma. The ICT4Peace Foundation is very pleased to see key features in Ushahidi’s Goma release that had evolved directly from  ...

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MoU between L’Ecole de Maintien de la Paix (EMP) and ICT4Peace Foundation

A memorandum of understanding was signed between the ICT4Peace Foundation and the L’Ecole de Maintien de la Paix (EMP) based in Bamako, Mali on 13th July 2009. The full text  ...

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Presentation on new media and crisis information management at UN ECOSOC

Sanjana Hattotuwa, Special Advisor to the ICT4Peace Foundation, gave a presentation on new media and crisis information management at the General Segment of the UN Economic and Social Council meetings (ECOSOC)  ...

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Presentation of Crisis Information Management at UN ECOSOC

Crisis Information Management Strategy Discussion by The Office of Information Communications Technology / UN Secretariat in collaboration with The ICT4Peace Foundation Over the past two years alone, powerful examples of  ...

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New Media and Humanitarian Aid – Presentation at Kofi Annan Global Humanitarian Forum, 2009

At this year’s Kofi Annan Global Humanitarian Forum in Geneva, Chairman of the ICT4Peace Foundation Daniel Stauffacher was invited to make a presentation on New Media and Humanitarian Aid on  ...

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Keynote Speech by Dr. Choi Soon-Hong, Assistant Secretary-General and Chief Information Technology Officer at the United Nations to Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum

Keynote Speech Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum, 3 June 2009, Bonn, Germany Choi Soon-Hong, PhD, Assistant Secretary-General and Chief Information Technology Officer, The United Nations Mr. Bettermann, Excellencies, distinguished guests,  ...

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Peace 2.0 – Interview with ISN’s International Relations and Security Network

Chairman of the Foundation, Daniel Stauffacher speaks to the International Relations and Security Network on using Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) for peacebuilding and crisis management. Listen to the podcast  ...

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Cyclone Nargis: Lessons and implications for ICTs in Humanitarian Aid

Download the report here.   Download the update to the report here. Cyclone Nargis was a strong tropical cyclone that caused the deadliest natural disaster in the recorded history of  ...

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Ushahidi and ICT4Peace Foundation collaborate to develop of Crisis Information Management Demonstrator (CIMD)

The ICT4Peace Foundation, Geneva has mandated Ushahidi to develop an ICT4Peace Crisis Information Management Platform Demonstrator (CIMD), based on Ushahidi’s existing platform with the following features and functionality. A product  ...

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Recommendations and ideas to strengthen best practices of Crisis Information Management at the United Nations, New York

This is an excerpt from Interim Report: Stocktaking of UN Crisis Information Management Capabilities that can be downloaded in full from here. Recommendations and ideas to strengthen best practices of  ...

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Interim Report: Stocktaking of UN Crisis Information Management Capabilities

Interim Report: Stocktaking of UN Crisis Information Management Capabilities Authors: Sanjana Hattotuwa and Daniel Stauffacher Download the full report as a PDF from here. From October 2007 to February 2008,  ...

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Working Session on Crisis Information Management Systems

ICT4Peace co-organized High Level Retreat with the United Nations, New York and the Office of Information and Communications Technology (OICT) The two-day working session will take place on 26 and  ...

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ICT4Peace Foundation leads UN GAID Community of Expertise on Information and Communication Technologies for Peace

ICT4Peace Foundation was asked by the United Nations DESA to lead the UN GAID Community of Expertise, which will address the fundamental question how ICTs can be best used for  ...

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Nobel Lecture by Martti Ahtisaari, Oslo, 10 December 2008

President Martti Ahtisaari is the Chairman of the ICT4Peace Foundation Policy Advisory Board and an ardent champion of the use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) for peacebuilding and conflict transformation. The following  ...

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Gen. Martin L. Agwai, Force Commander of UNAMID with ICT4Peace Foundation and CCCPA in Cairo, Egypt

From L-R:Juan Pekmez (ICT4Peace Foundation), Amb. Daniel Stauffacher (Chairman, ICT4Peace Foundation), Gen. Martin L. Agwai (Force Commander, UNAMID), Amb. Soad Shalaby (CCCPA), Lt. Gen. Satish Nambiar (United Service Institution of India,  ...

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Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Martti Ahtisaari on ICT4Peace

Statement of Martti Ahtisaari, former President of Finland and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2008 delivered at High-level meeting to discuss Interim Report: Stocktaking of UN Crisis Information Management Capabilities, held on  ...

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Call for papers: Improving ICT use in Crisis Management and Peacebuilding (ICT4Peace) for ISCRAM 2009

Call for papers: Improving ICT use in Crisis Management and Peacebuilding (ICT4Peace) for ISCRAM 2009 Inter-operability, and the meaningful use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in all aspects of  ...

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ICT4Peace enters into MoU with Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)

The ICT4Peace Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre. The MoU recognises, inter alia, the need to strengthen the role of African States  ...

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Information Sharing Models and Interoperability in National, Cross Border and International Crisis Management

Crisis Management Initiative has published a final report of a project aiming to improve the understanding of information sharing models and interoperability in national, cross-border and international crisis management. Download  ...

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Information and Communication Technology and Peacebuilding: Summary of a Workshop (2008)

Information and Communication Technology and Peacebuilding: Summary of a Workshop, July 2008 Carol Arenberg and Greg Pearson, Editors NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES On December 14, 2007, the  ...

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15th ASEAN Regional Forum emphasises crisis management and civilian military cooperation

41st AMM 17 – 24 July 2008 Shangri-La, Singapore Chairman’s Statement, 15th ASEAN Regional Forum, 24 July 2008, Singapore 1 The Fifteenth Meeting of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) was  ...

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Training for Peace: The Governments of Egypt, Japan and UNDP launch a project to develop the leading peacekeeping and conflict resolution centre in Cairo

Cairo, Wednesday 18 June 2008 – Today, the Cairo Regional Centre for Conflict Resolution and Peace-keeping in Africa (CCCPA) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Embassy of Japan and  ...

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Roundtable on ICT Technologies for Peace-building and Crisis Management at Responsibility to the Future: Business, Peace and Sustainability

The ICT4Peace Foundation will conduct a Roundtable on ICT Technologies for Peace-building and Crisis Management on Friday, June 27, 2008, 11:30-13:00, Nehru Centre, Mumbai as part of the Responsibility to  ...

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ICT for disaster management in least developed countries and small islands in the Asia Pacific Region

Authors: Daniel Stauffacher and Sanjana Hattotuwa Originally written for UN Global Alliance for ICT and Development (UN GAID) Disaster management is an imperfect science. It is impossible to accurately predict  ...

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Final Report on the Global Symposium +5 on Information for Humanitarian Action

Dear Colleagues, It is my pleasure to share with you an advance electronic copy of the Final Report on the Global Symposium +5 on Information for Humanitarian Action, held last  ...

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The Text message – an important transmitter of information in times of crisis

Media – The use of information and communication technologies in order to promote peace in the world. This is the challenge of the ICT4Peace foundation, based in Geneva. Interview with  ...

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« Le SMS, un vecteur important d’information en temps de crise. Un interview avec Daniel Stauffacher, Président de la Fondation ICT4Peace »

Utiliser les technologies d'information et communication pour favoriser la paix dans le monde, c'est le pari de la fondation Ict4Peace, basée à Genève.

Interview par Caroline Stevan Le Temps Genève, Jeudi 20 mars 2008 Le Sommet mondial sur la société de l’information (SMSI), dont la première phase s’est déroulée en 2003 à Genève,  ...

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ICT4Peace Launch Event at the United Nations, New York – Participants, Report, President Martti Ahtisaari’s speech and Concept Note

The Permanent Representative of Switzerland hosted a High-Level working Lunch, on 15 November 2007. The event was sponsored by the ICT4Peace Foundation with the support of UN DESA Global Alliance  ...

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ICT4Peace: An International Process for Conflict Management featured in PeaceIT!

The latest issue of Peace IT!, a journal for conflict and crisis management professionals published by the Crisis Management Initiative (CMI) is out and can be downloaded here. The journal  ...

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Statement of Martti Ahtisaari, former President of Finland at ICT4Peace launch, United Nations, New York

ICT4Peace: STRATEGIC USE OF ICTS IN CRISIS MANAGEMENT New York, 15 November 2007 Statement of Martti Ahtisaari, former President of Finland I am a strong believer in the UN system  ...

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Statement of Martti Ahtisaari, former President of Finland at ICT4Peace launch, United Nations, New York

Download the speech here.

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Global Forum on Effective Use of Telecommunications

Daniel Stauffacher, the Chairman of the ICT4Peace Foundation has been invited to participate at the Global forum on Emergency Telecommunications – 10-12 Dec 2007. Background Increasingly, natural disasters are causing considerable  ...

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ICT4Peace Foundation invited to participate at the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Global Forum on Emergency Telecommunications – 10-12 Dec 2007

Daniel Stauffacher, the Chairman of the ICT4Peace Foundation has been invited to participate at the Global forum on Emergency Telecommunications – 10-12 Dec 2007. Background Increasingly, natural disasters are causing  ...

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Prevention Web: a new tool to increase knowledge on disaster risk reduction

The UN/ISDR secretariat is launching PreventionWeb.net, a new website for increasing knowledge sharing on disaster risk reduction (DRR) issues, for both the general public – including media and teachers –  ...

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Launched by ICT4Peace: An International Process for Crisis Management Through ICT at United Nations, New York

The ICT4Peace Foundation with the support of UN DESA Global Alliance for ICT and Development organised a high -level lunch on 15 November 2007 at the UN New York, to  ...

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Sanjana Hattotuwa at the Global Symposium +5 ‘Information for Humanitarian Action’, October 2007

The Global Symposium +5 ‘Information for Humanitarian Action took  place in Geneva, Switzerland, from the 22 – 26 October 2007 at the Palais des Nations. Watch the presentation by Sanjana Hattotuwa,  ...

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Advisory meeting for the establishment of new online communities of practice thematically focused on Disaster Prevention & Response, and Stabilization & Reconstruction

The the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington DC (CSIS) and the Development Gateway Foundation (DGF) have partnered to develop two new online portals: Stabilization and Reconstruction and  ...

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The limits of the web and Internet to engender democracy?

From the New York Times comes an interesting news story on how the junta in Myanmar thwarted the use of the web and Internet by pro-democracy activists. It was about  ...

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Partnership between the ICT4Peace Foundation and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

1st October 2007, Geneva, Switzerland: The ICT4Peace Foundation is pleased to announce the new partnership between the ICT4Peace Foundation and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs  ...

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The Role of Information Technology in Crisis Management

  This is a foundational lecture by Kristiina Rinkineva, Programme Director, Crisis Management Initiative, on the Role of Information Technology in Crisis Management at the 14th EINIRAS Conference 30.9.-1.10. 2004. Ms. Rinkineva  ...

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Humanlink : Connecting those who help others

From Paul Currion’s blog comes news of a new organisation to design ICT solutions for humanitarian field work called. The Humanlink Mission As veteran aid workers, we have experienced the  ...

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Swissinfo.ch on ICT4Peace: Swiss push for peace through technology

Read the article in full here. http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/swiss-push-for-peace-through-technology/4374744  

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Download and read the full issue here.

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Welcome statement from Daniel Stauffacher, Chairman of the ICT4Peace Foundation and former Swiss Ambassador to the WSIS

Dear Colleagues, Since 2005, the Swiss government has funded a project called “ICT4Peace” that focuses on the application of information and communication technology (ICT) to support activities promoting peace in  ...

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UN Assistant Secretary General Patricio Civili writes to ICT4Peace Foundation

UN Assistant Secretary General Patricio Civili in his letter to ICT4Peace Foundation on 26 October 2006 wrote: Dear Mr. Stauffacher, I am writing to follow up on our discussion in  ...

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UN DESA and ICT4Peace Foundation held informal consultations with member states and NGOs during ECOSOC (28 July) in Geneva

During the Humanitarian Segment of the ECOSOC Session UN DESA and the ICT4Peace Foundation held informal consultations on 28 July 2006  with member States and NGOS on the implementation on  ...

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GAID adopted ICT4Peace as Focus Area in Kuala Lumpur June 2006

Based on a proposal of the ICT4Peace Foundation, the UN Global Alliance for ICT for Development (GAID) has adopted ICT4Peace as one of its focus area of work at its  ...

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Paul Currion on Report on Information Technology and Requirements for Emergency Capacity Building

Dear Colleagues, The Emergency Capacity Building Project is proud to announce the release of the final version of its Report on Information Technology and Requirements. This comprehensive five-part Report is  ...

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Launch of ICT4Peace Paper on “Information and Communications Technology for Peace: The role of ICT in preventing, responding to and recovering from conflict at WSIS in Tunis

Please join us for the launch of ICT4Peace groundbreaking paper: “Information and Communications Technology for Peace: The role of ICT in preventing, responding to and recovering from conflict“. The launch  ...

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Information and Communication Technology for Peace: The role of ICT in preventing, responding to and recovering from conflict (Stauffacher, Drake, Currion, Steinberger 2005)

The ICT4Peace project was launched in 2004 with the publication of a book by the UN ICT Task Force on the practice and theory of ICT in the conflict cycle  ...

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6th International Security Forum in Montreux

ICT4Peace held a side meeting at the 6th International Security Forum in Montreux, Switzerland. The report on the Forum can be found here. The International Security Forum (ISF) was launched as  ...

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