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ICT4Peace – OAS Course on “Protection of critical infrastructure and critical information infrastructure against cyber attacks” in Costa Rica

From 29 April to 3 May 2024 ICT4Peace is conducting its newest version of Cybersecurity Capacity Building Course in Costa Rica in cooperation with the OAS.

ICT4Peace on 29 April to 3 May 2024 is carrying out its newest version of its course “Protection of critical infrastructure and critical information infrastructure against cyber attacks” in Costa  ...

Anne-Marie Buzatu of ICT4Peace moderated high-level panel on “The role of the Private Sector during Hybrid Conflict” at European Cyber Agora

High-level panel discussion on the complex topic of “The role of the Private Sector during Hybrid Conflict” at the European Cyber Agora in Brussels on 24 April 2024.

Anne-Marie Buzatu, Executive Director of ICT4Peace on 24 April 2024 moderated a high-level panel discussion on the complex topic of “The role of the Private Sector during Hybrid Conflict” at  ...