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Navigating Cyberspace: Insights from Daniel Stauffacher

Interview by Lena Herbst, Lecturer and PhD Researcher, Institute of International Relations at the Technical University of Braunschweig in Germany.

Navigating Cyberspace: Insights from Daniel Stauffacher In a recent interview, Daniel Stauffacher, founder and president of ICT4Peace Foundation, and Lena Herbst of the Technical University Braunschweig delved into the intricate  ...

Unpacking the Cyber Mercenaries’ Phenomenon – Paris Call Roundtable

Roundtable held at the Paris Peace Forum on 10 November 2023

Delighted Anne-Marie Buzatu, Executive Director of Ict4peace was invited to this important panel on Cyber Mercenaries of the Paris Peace Forum. Watch the recording here 👉 Her statement starts at  ...