Capacity Building

UN OEWG UN GGE – 2nd Capacity Building Workshop on Cybersecurity Policy and Diplomacy for African Diplomatic Delegations in preparation of UN Negotiations on Peace and Cybersecurity in New York

6 February 2020, 3 to 6 pm United Nations Building, Conference Room 8 New York With two Resolutions, the UN General Assembly 2018 decided to convene a new edition of  ...

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ICT4Peace and WEF Global Shapers Meeting in Zurich: Building an Inclusive and Principled AI Governance

    Along with Dr. Christian B. Westermann, Leader Data & Analytics and Partner at PwC Switzerland, Dr. Daniel Stauffacher, President, ICT4Peace and Zurich Hub for Ethics and Technology (ZHET)  ...

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2019: End of year review

ICT4Peace has had quite a year! Over the course of 2019, the breadth and complexity of our work can be gleaned through the more than 80 blog posts as well  ...

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UN OEWG & UN GGE: Preparatory Workshop with African Diplomats successfully completed

In preparation of the next  Round of negotiations on Cybersecurity by  the UN Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) (A/RES/73/27) and by the UN Governmental Group of Experts (UN GGE) (A/RES/73/266) from 2  ...

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UN OEWG UN GGE Cybersecurity Capacity Building workshop for African Diplomats in New York

On behalf of the Swiss Government, the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs and the African Union, ICT4Peace is honoured to organise on 27 November 2019 a Capacity Building Workshop on Cybersecurity  ...

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ICT4Peace at GCSP on ICT for Peaceful Purposes, Cyber and HumanSecurity

On 2 October, Dr. Daniel Stauffacher President and Founder of  ICT4Peace was invited to give a lecture at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) course “Meeting the Cyber Security  ...

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