Norms of Responsible Behaviour and Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) for the Cyberspace

Third OAS – ICT4Peace Academy 5 Days Online Course on International Cyber Diplomacy, Law and Norms

This course was developed by the ICT4Peace Academy and co-organised with Organisation of American States from 8 to 12 November 2021

The third OAS – ICT4Peace Academy 5 Days Online Course on International Cyber Diplomacy, Law and Norms (8 to 12 November 2021) was successfully  completed. The goal of this course  ...

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ICT4Peace welcomes new UN Joint Resolution on Peace and Security in Cyberspace – But concerns remain

On 3 November 2021 a UN joint resolution (A/C.1/76/L.13) co-sponsored by the US and the Russian Federation was adopted - An ICT4Peace Commentary by Paul Meyer

Cyber Security at UN GA’s First Committee 2021 – An appearance of harmony On 3 November 2021 a new joint First Committee Resolution (L.13), co-sponsored by the US and Russia  ...

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Geneva Peace Week – ICT4Peace’s Anne-Marie Buzatu speaking at the open ceremony

Opening Ceremony of the Geneva Peace Week on 1 November 2021 16:00 to 17:30 CET

ICT4Peace is honoured that Anne-Marie Buzatu Vice-President and COO is speaking at the opening ceremony of the Geneva Peace Week on 1 November 2021 from 16:00 to 17:30 pm CET.  ...

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Swiss Security Policy and the Cyberspace

ICT4Peace contribution to the Swiss Federal Council's new security policy strategy

The Swiss Federal Council is conducting a consultation on the new security policy strategy. Cyber risks and cyber warfare take a more prominent position in this report than ever before:  ...

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Peter Maurer on the role of the ICRC in creating a safe cyber space

Conversation with Peter Maurer, President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on the role of the Red Cross in creating a safe cyber space during Cyber Polygon 2021. He  ...

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Le Temps reports on ICT4Peace and Swiss Digital Charter

Op-Ed by Amb. Francois Nordmann in Le Temps of Geneva on 29 June 2021

Le Temps, 29 juin 2021 La Suisse et la cybersécurité: rapports, débats, action! OPINION. L’arrivée prochaine de l’ambassadeur Alexandre Fasel, qui sera le principal responsable des questions de cybersécurité, annonce  ...

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