Policy Research

Responsibly mining the “New Gold”

Article by Anne-Marie Buzatu, Executive Director of ICT4Peace, published in The Geneva Policy Outlook

Digital Data is the gold of the 21st century. It is  nearly impossible to browse a website, write an email, or use a mobile app without generating copious amounts of  ...

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ICT4peace: Can Arms Control and Disarmament Contribute to a Secure Cyberspace?

by Amb. (ret.) Martin Dahinden, Vice-Chair of ICT4Peace. Text published first in german by Stratos Publications, Switzerland

Can Arms Control and Disarmament contribute to a secure Cyberspace?   By Martin Dahinden, ICT4Peace Abstract The ongoing arms race in cyberspace poses risks to international stability and security. Arms  ...

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Groundbreaking ICT4Peace Mapping Study on the Use of ICTs in Security Services provided by Private Commercial Actors

"From Boots on the Ground to Bytes in Cyberspace - A Mapping Study on the Use of ICTs in Security Services provided by Private Commercial Actors". With the generous support of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affair’s Peace and Security Division

Groundbreaking ICT4Peace Study: From Boots on the Ground to Bytes in Cyberspace: Mapping Study on the use of ICTs in private security services by commercial actors by Anne-Marie Buzatu, ICT4Peace Executive  ...

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UN OEWG – Submission by ICT4Peace to the OEWG on ICT Inter-sessional Meeting

OEWG Inter-sessional meeting, December 6, 2022

Submission by ICT4Peace to the OEWG on ICT Inter-sessional meeting, December 6, 2022 The Chair has requested input on the topics of confidence-building and the creation of a directory of  ...

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Cyber Security at the UN General Assembly First Committee – Déjà vu all over again

A Commentary by ICT4Peace prepared by Amb. (ret.) Paul Meyer, Senior Advisor, ICT4Peace Foundation

Cyber Security at the UN General Assembly First Committee – Déjà vu all over again A Commentary by ICT4Peace prepared by Paul Meyer On November 3rd the First Committee (Disarmament  ...

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