
Outlining Future Challenges of Cybersecurity: CANVAS Report

Dr. Markus Christen, Head of the Digital Society Initiative of the University of Zurich, convened on 24 October 2019 the workshop on “Outlining Future Challenges of Cybersecurity – the CANVAS  ...

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New policy paper by foraus: Making Sense of Artificial Intelligence

Kevin Kohler, Pascal Oberholzer and Nicolas Zahn of the Swiss Think Tank foraus published the policy paper: Making Sense of Artificial Intelligence The executive summary of the paper notes: “Artificial  ...

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UN OEWG UN GGE – A Call to Governments: Critical Infrastructure and Offensive Cyber Operations

An ICT4Peace Proposal for consideration by the UN OEWG and the UN GGE

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, ICT4Peace calls upon governments, especially those possessing offensive cyber capabilities, to publicly confirm that they will respect the norm prohibiting cyber operations directed at critical infrastructure.  ...

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#SpeakingTheTruth at Zurich Film Festival: Q&A after screening of ‘Bellingcat: Truth in a Post-Truth World’

As part of the #SpeakingTheTruth series, the Foundation will host a Q&A session after the screening of ‘Bellingcat: Truth in a Post-Truth World‘, a film by Hans Pool, on 5th  ...

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ICT4Peace input to Christchurch Call for Action by PM Jacinda Ardern at UN GA New York

ICT4Peace is honored to have been in invited by the New Zealand Government to join The Christchurch Call Advisory Network. In addition to other input, the Foundation will help prepare  ...

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