Geneva Peace Week, Geneva Digital Atlas, UN WSIS Processes,Global Digital Compact, Summit for the Future, ICT4Peace Paragraph 36, UN SDGs, International Geneva

Responsibly mining the “New Gold”

Article by Anne-Marie Buzatu, Executive Director of ICT4Peace, published in The Geneva Policy Outlook

Digital Data is the gold of the 21st century. It is  nearly impossible to browse a website, write an email, or use a mobile app without generating copious amounts of  ...

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ICT4Peace active supporter, co-organizer and participant at Geneva Peace Week

ICT4Peace is a member of the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform (GPP) (@GPPlatform) Advisory Board, the Cyber Mediation Network (@cybermediat_net) and a supporter of the Geneva Peace Week (@genevapeaceweek).

ICT4Peace has been an active supporter, co-organiser and participant at the recent Geneva Peace Week  (31 October – 4 November 2022). Anne-Marie Buzatu organised an participated in the following events  ...

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At Geneva Peace Week – From Boots on the Ground to Bites in the Cyberspace – The emerging Role of Private Cybersecurity Services Companies

Presentation at Geneva Peace Week of the ICT4Peace Mapping Study on Private Cybersecurity Services carried out for the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs

ICT4Peace Vice-President Anne-Marie Buzatu along with Frédéric Chenais of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA and Vincent Bernard from ICOCA presented and discussed at Geneva Peace Week the groundbreaking mapping  ...

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Geneva Peace Week – ICT4Peace’s Anne-Marie Buzatu speaking at the open ceremony

Opening Ceremony of the Geneva Peace Week on 1 November 2021 16:00 to 17:30 CET

ICT4Peace is honoured that Anne-Marie Buzatu Vice-President and COO is speaking at the opening ceremony of the Geneva Peace Week on 1 November 2021 from 16:00 to 17:30 pm CET.  ...

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Le Temps reports on ICT4Peace and Swiss Digital Charter

Op-Ed by Amb. Francois Nordmann in Le Temps of Geneva on 29 June 2021

Le Temps, 29 juin 2021 La Suisse et la cybersécurité: rapports, débats, action! OPINION. L’arrivée prochaine de l’ambassadeur Alexandre Fasel, qui sera le principal responsable des questions de cybersécurité, annonce  ...

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UN OEWG 2021 Final Report – ICT4Peace: Some Progress, Much Remains Unresolved

An assessment of the final Consensus Report of the UN Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) on Information and Telecommunications (ICT) in the Context of International Security

On Friday March 12, 2021, after one and half years of proceedings the UN Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) on Information and Telecommunications (ICT) in the context of international security,  ...

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