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Julia Hofstetter

Senior Advisor

Julia-Silvana Hofstetter is a Senior Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation. She advises the foundation on digital peacebuilding, disinformation and hate-speech in armed conflict, humanitarian data governance, and cybersecurity & gender.  ...

Can You See Me Now ? – Practises of Tracking, Control and Resistance

Groundbreaking Exhibition at AIA Zurich curated by !Mediengruppe Bitnik and Martina Huber

ICT4Peace is a proud supporter of the exhibition CAN YOU SEE ME NOW? curated by iMedienGruppe Bitnik and Martina Huber, Founder and Director of AIA Awareness in Art at Löwebräukunst in Zurich,  ...

ICT4Peace supports Data Privacy Art Days

On the occasion of the Data Protection Day on 28 January 2023 AIA Awareness in Art organised the Data Privacy Art Days in Löwenbräukunst in Zürich Switzerland

ICT4Peace supported and participated on 28 January 2023 in the Data Privacy Art Days  which are part of the exhibition “Can You See Me Now?”, co-curated by !Mediengruppe Bitnik (below) and  ...

ICT4peace: Can Arms Control and Disarmament Contribute to a Secure Cyberspace?

by Amb. (ret.) Martin Dahinden, Vice-Chair of ICT4Peace. Text published first in german by Stratos Publications, Switzerland

Can Arms Control and Disarmament contribute to a secure Cyberspace?   By Martin Dahinden, ICT4Peace Abstract The ongoing arms race in cyberspace poses risks to international stability and security. Arms  ...