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Gendering Cybersecurity through Women, Peace and Security: Gender and Human Rights in National-level Approaches to Cybersecurity

A project by the ICT4Peace Foundation and the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) with the support of the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Gendering Cybersecurity through Women, Peace and Security: Gender and Human Rights in National-level Approaches to Cybersecurity A project by the ICT4Peace Foundation and the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP)  ...

Julia Hofstetter

Senior Advisor

Julia-Silvana Hofstetter is a Senior Advisor at the ICT4Peace Foundation. She advises the foundation on digital peacebuilding, disinformation and hate-speech in armed conflict, humanitarian data governance, and cybersecurity & gender.  ...

Amb. Bilahari Kausikan visiting Zurich

Former Singaporian Ambassador to Russia and Permanent Secretary giving a lectures in Zurich

On 28 February 2023, Singapore’s Former Ambassador to Russia, Bilahari Kausikan, will visit  Zurich to give a lecture, organised as part of the Asia Leaders Series and in cooperation with  ...

OAS – ICT4Peace Course on Cyber-Diplomacy, Law and Norms

At OAS Headquarters in Washington DC on 21 - 23 February 2023

  ICT4Peace – in cooperation with the Organisation of the American States (OAS) –  have successfully completed its 3 Days Basic Course on Cyber-Diplomacy, Law and Norms (21 – 23  ...

ICT4Peace and Ethics, Technology and Society at ETH Zurich

Launch events by the new Professorship for Ethics, Technology and Society at ETH Zurich

ICT4Peace and the Zurich Hub for Ethics and Technology (ZHET) were delighted to  participate in two inaugural Conferences on  Digital Democracy and Ethics in Technological Societies at ETH  by the newly  ...

Can You See Me Now ? – Practises of Tracking, Control and Resistance

Groundbreaking Exhibition at AIA Zurich curated by !Mediengruppe Bitnik and Martina Huber

ICT4Peace is a proud supporter of the exhibition CAN YOU SEE ME NOW? curated by iMedienGruppe Bitnik and Martina Huber, Founder and Director of AIA Awareness in Art at Löwebräukunst in Zurich,  ...