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At Geneva Peace Week – From Boots on the Ground to Bites in the Cyberspace – The emerging Role of Private Cybersecurity Services Companies

Presentation at Geneva Peace Week of the ICT4Peace Mapping Study on Private Cybersecurity Services carried out for the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs

ICT4Peace Vice-President Anne-Marie Buzatu along with Frédéric Chenais of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA and Vincent Bernard from ICOCA presented and discussed at Geneva Peace Week the groundbreaking mapping  ...

Brown Bag Episode 6: Sarah Oh

ICT4Peace is delighted to release Episode 6 of Brown Bag, the ICT4Peace podcast series on social media, politics, democracy and society from a Global South perspective, hosted and produced by  ...

Brown Bag Episode 5: Victoire Rio

ICT4Peace is delighted to release Episode 5 of Brown Bag, the ICT4Peace podcast series on social media, politics, democracy and society from a Global South perspective, hosted and produced by  ...