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Anne-Marie Buzatu promoted to Executive Director of ICT4Peace

The ICT4Peace Foundation Board on 12 December 2022 promoted Anne-Marie Buzatu to Executive Director of ICT4Peace.

ICT4Peace is pleased to announce that Anne-Marie Buzatu, Vice-President and COO was promoted to Executive Director of ICT4Peace on 12 December 2022 by the ICT4Peace Foundation Board. Anne-Marie Buzatu joined  ...

UN OEWG on ICT – ICT4Peace Statement at meeting with Stakeholders, December 6, 2022

Statement by Paul Meyer on behalf of ICT4Peace of 6 December 2022 and Submission by ICT4Peace to the Informal, inter-sessional meetings of the OEWG from 5-9 December 2022

Statement by ICT4Peace at UN OEWG on ICT meeting with Stakeholders, December 6, 2022 Thank you Chair. I will speak briefly to the ICT4Peace submission for this meeting which has  ...

Groundbreaking ICT4Peace Mapping Study on the Use of ICTs in Security Services provided by Private Commercial Actors

"From Boots on the Ground to Bytes in Cyberspace - A Mapping Study on the Use of ICTs in Security Services provided by Private Commercial Actors". With the generous support of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affair’s Peace and Security Division

Groundbreaking ICT4Peace Study: From Boots on the Ground to Bytes in Cyberspace: Mapping Study on the use of ICTs in private security services by commercial actors by Anne-Marie Buzatu, ICT4Peace Executive  ...