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Le Temps reports on ICT4Peace and Swiss Digital Charter

Op-Ed by Amb. Francois Nordmann in Le Temps of Geneva on 29 June 2021

Le Temps, 29 juin 2021 La Suisse et la cybersécurité: rapports, débats, action! OPINION. L’arrivée prochaine de l’ambassadeur Alexandre Fasel, qui sera le principal responsable des questions de cybersécurité, annonce  ...

ICT4Peace Commentary on final UN GGE 2021 Report

Incremental Progress or Circular Motion? - The UN Group of Governmental Experts (UNGGE) Report 2021 by Amb. (ret) Paul Meyer, ICT4Peace Senior Advisor.

Incremental Progress or Circular Motion? – The UN Group of Governmental Experts (UN GGE) Report 2021 Making progress on complex issues in a forum like the United Nations with 193  ...

First session of Paris Call Working Group 3 moderated by Anne-Marie Buzatu, ICT4Peace

Supporting the Continuation of UN Negotiations With a Strong Multi-Stakeholder Approach (Wednesday, 26 May 4:30-6:00pm CET)

The virtual roundtable will be chaired by Anne-Marie Buzatu, Vice-President Chief Operations Officer at the ICT4Peace Foundation. Anne-Marie will kick-off with a presentation on a successful multi-stakeholder initiative, the International  ...