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ICT4Peace Academy in Action

Launched in July 2021 by Anne-Marie Buzatu, Vice-President and COO of ICT4Peace, the work of the ICT4Peace Academy has successfully taken off with the holding of 4 Five Days Online  ...

Online Training for Government Officials from East African Countries, Level 2 completed

With the support of the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Kenya and ICT4Peace from 15-19 November 2021

Following on the success of last year’s online course on International Cyber Diplomacy, Laws and Norms and with the support of the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of the Republic of  ...

ICT4Peace Academy Launched

ICT4Peace is proud to announce the official launch of the ICT4Peace Academy. The Academy and its online platform has been developed under the leadership of Ms. Anne-Marie Buzatu, Vice-President and COO of  ...