ICT4Peace Call to Governments to commit to refrain from Offensive Cyber Operations against civilian Critical Infrastructure

Second UN Security Council open debate on maintaining international peace and security in cyberspace

Estonia is hosting the UN Security Council open debate on Peace and Security in Cyberspace

Estonia is hosting the first official UN Security Council open debate on maintaining international peace and security in cyberspace. “The UN Security Council high-level virtual debate at 8am EDT/14.00 CEST on  ...

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Biden – Putin Summit in Geneva: What prospects for a more peaceful and secure cyberspace?

ICT4Peace Commentary written by Amb. (ret.) Martin Dahinden, former Ambassador of Switzerland to the US (2014-2019) and member of The ICT4Peace Foundation Board

President Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin sit for a photo op before the start of their summit Wednesday in Geneva. (Patrick Semansky / Associated Press) Expectations for the June  ...

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Time to Create a Single Negotiating Cyber Forum under the UN General Assembly First Committee

Interview by Anastasia Tolstukhina of RIAC with Daniel Stauffacher

On March 12, 2021, the United Nations adopted a UN Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) report on the Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International  ...

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UN OEWG 2021 Final Report – ICT4Peace: Some Progress, Much Remains Unresolved

An assessment of the final Consensus Report of the UN Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) on Information and Telecommunications (ICT) in the Context of International Security

On Friday March 12, 2021, after one and half years of proceedings the UN Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) on Information and Telecommunications (ICT) in the context of international security,  ...

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A new ICT4Peace Policy Brief by Sara Pangrazzi, Senior Advisor ICT4Peace

ICT4Peace is pleased to publish its latest Cyber Policy Brief by Sara Pangrazzi, Senior Advisor, ICT4Peace. Please find the full paper here. “The question on how international law applies to  ...

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Don’t let Cyber War escalate

Article in Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) by Paul Meyer and Daniel Stauffacher of ICT4Peace

Article in Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) by Paul Meyer and Daniel Stauffacher. “The U.S. recently fell victim to a cyberattack of staggering proportions: Using a compromised software upgrade, a foreign  ...

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