Norms of Responsible Behaviour and Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) for the Cyberspace

Outlining Future Challenges of Cybersecurity: CANVAS Report

Dr. Markus Christen, Head of the Digital Society Initiative of the University of Zurich, convened on 24 October 2019 the workshop on “Outlining Future Challenges of Cybersecurity – the CANVAS  ...

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UN OEWG UN GGE – A Call to Governments: Critical Infrastructure and Offensive Cyber Operations

An ICT4Peace Proposal for consideration by the UN OEWG and the UN GGE

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, ICT4Peace calls upon governments, especially those possessing offensive cyber capabilities, to publicly confirm that they will respect the norm prohibiting cyber operations directed at critical infrastructure.  ...

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UN OEWG – UN Negotiations on Cybersecurity: First Session of the Open-Ended Working Group at the UN in New York

As part of the ICT4Peace delegation to the UN Open-Ended Working Group on Cybersecurity, Dr. Elaine Korzak, along with Dr. Daniel Stauffacher, attended the week-long session in New York from  ...

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UN OEWG – UN Cybersecurity Negotiations launched in New York

On 13 September 2019 the first round of negotiations at the UN on Cybersecurity under the UN Open Ended Working Group on Cybersecurity (OEWG) took off in a positive spirit  ...

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UN GGE – OEWG: UN ODA Cyber-Diplomacy Training Course now online

Just in time before the beginning of the work of the UN Open-Ended Working Group on Cybersecurity in New York (9 to 13 September), ICT4Peace is welcoming the release by  ...

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UN GGE and UN OEWG on Cybersecurity: ICT4Peace supporting OAS Regional Consultations

In preparation of the new Round of negotiations on Cybersecurity by the UN Governmental Group of Experts (UN GGE) (A/RES/73/266) and the UN Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) (A/RES/73/27),the Organisation  ...

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