Zurich Hub for ethics and technology

New policy paper by foraus: Making Sense of Artificial Intelligence

Kevin Kohler, Pascal Oberholzer and Nicolas Zahn of the Swiss Think Tank foraus published the policy paper: Making Sense of Artificial Intelligence The executive summary of the paper notes: “Artificial  ...

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ICT4Peace Lecture at ETH on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) and UN negotiations

On July 18, 2019, Regina Surber of ICT4Peace and the Zurich Hub for Ethics and  Technololgy (ZHET)   gave a one-hour lecture on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) and the United Nationals  ...

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ICT4Peace on Emerging Security Issues at New Haven School of Jurisprudence Conference in Hangzhou, China.

ICT4Peace’s Daniel Stauffacher was invited to present at the 10th International Conference on the New Haven School of Jurisprudence in Hangzhou, China. The conference – founded and led by Tulane Law  ...

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ICT4Peace on AI, Human Dignity and Inclusive Societies at ITU’s AIforGood Conference in Geneva

ICT4Peace’s Regina Surber took part in the panel ‘AI, Human Dignity and Inclusive Societies’ at ITU’s AIforGood Conference in Geneva. The panel was moderated by Megan Metzger, co-panelists were Wafa  ...

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ICT4Peace at Milano Human Rights Film Festival on “Technology Off-Limits”

Together with Professor Maria Chiara Carrozza, Regina Surber of ICT4Peace and Zurich Hub for Ethics and Technology (ZHET) participated in a Panel on „Technology off Limits” at the Human Rights  ...

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